프로젝트 마크

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Jack's eyes were round with interest as he leaned over the screen, looking at the assorted files. There was no English, but Jack found that he could read the language.

Huh, I never knew I could read Korean... then again I can't remember shit. Jack looked around for the mouse before ducking under the computer to grab it, and he came back up after plugging it in. Alrighty then, let's see what you got. Jack moved the mouse cursor over a file and clicked it. The big wall screen came on with a flicker, opening up documents and video files.

"... Jesus Christ," Jack whispered. He clicked on the first video file, and the video loaded; it fizzed before the camera came on. A Korean spoke in his language, standing in front of the glass pane. He was saying something about how this was Project attempt #1, and Jack immediately shielded his eyes with a groan of disgust when the camera changed to show the failed project.

"Eeeeewwwww!" Jack complained. "I don't wanna see that, what the fuck!" He closed the video and skimmed down a few to another video. Each video had a few symbols beside them before listing a number, starting from 1.

After Jack scarred himself with a few more humanoid project attempts, Jack's cursor paused over video #50. He saw that the videos ended with Mark's number: 54. Jack went ahead and clicked on 53, and he watched on with interest.

"Project attempt number 53." The Korean was standing in the same place as he had been in all of the videos, his arm in a sling from one of the previous project attempts. "Motor control is stable, the project is responding," translated the soldier's words. "Brain use detected successfully, skill acquisition functional. The project also has limb control, however it is bearing emotional instability." This time when the camera planned, it showed a tall muscular giant glaring at one of the soldiers. Jack bit his lip, having a feeling what was next after having seen the other videos.

Sure enough, the giant broke the staring contest and roared, lashing out with unbelievable speed and swatting one of the soldiers away. There was shouting as the giant picked up another, and ignoring his screams and struggles the monster opened his mouth and devoured the poor guy. Jack covered his eyes as he heard screaming and bones being crunched, and he rubbed his eyes heavily, taking a deep breath as the audio continued. He heard gun shots and roaring, footsteps and hitting. And then there was a shaking sound.

Jack looked out from behind his hand to see that the giant had killed a lot of people and ran off into the darkness, and the surroundings shook before rocks suddenly crashed and kicked up dust. And then the video ended.

Jack stared at the screen for a moment, and then looked at his torch. It had died down to embers, so Jack left the computer to tend to it. Once it was brought back to life with a little tinder, Jack returned to the computer and took a deep breath.

Alright... here we go. Jack clicked on the last video, and he watched with sweat beading on his brow.

"Project attempt number 54." There was a different Korean man this time. He wasn't a soldier, he had a vest on with pockets and had crooked glasses that needed cleaning. "All functions are accurate, and the emotional state has been tinkered with yet again. We hoped that this perfect war machine would be ready for the Korean War, but the war ended a long time ago in a slow and painful conclusion, opposite of its start. We have collected two new specimen for the chromosomes, a Hawaiian commander as an ally has come over with one of our officers' daughters, and their pairs of chromosomes joined up perfectly... hopefully this time is a success." When the camera shifted, Jack's knuckles went white as he gripped the desk.

They had Mark tied up with the chain collar around his neck, shackles around his wrists and ankles, and he looked miserable. He had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, and his hair was an absolute mess with several tufts sticking up in odd directions, and despite his muscles he looked starved. They were keeping him like an animal! No wonder Mark had flipped out when Jack had woke him up!

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