The Rescue

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"MARK!" Mark's head jerked up at Jack's scream, and he immediately got up. Felix looked surprised, and the three men looked around with alarm in their eyes. Mark looked around before he roared back.

"Jack!?" He waited a few seconds before he heard Ethan scream, and he bolted in their direction.

"Mark!" Felix exclaimed. He ran after the giant, but Mark was huge and fast. Mark ran through the jungle and pushed through trees, his hearing picking up heavy footsteps and an animal's roar.

The t rex. Horror trickled through Mark's veins. When he had first burst out of the ground and escaped the cave with Jack, he remembered smelling the beast's scent everywhere. The tree he had pushed over had huge raw bite marks, and Jack had even explained how he had been chased into Mark's cave in the first place. A growl thundered in Mark's chest, and his eyes narrowed at the thought of his little friend getting hurt.

He couldn't be there the first time to protect Jack, but this time there was no way he was backing down.

"Ethan come on!" Jack ducked with Ethan in tow and avoided the t rex's giant foot. He threw Ethan ahead of him since the blue haired boy was dazed with fear, and he turned around to face the giant dinosaur.

"You want a piece of me you piece of shit!? Come and get it!" He shouted, waving his arms. He ran away from Ethan as he kept taunting the t rex, and to his relief his plan worked. Fear sent a shudder down his spine as those tiny beady eyes fixated on him, and the t rex snarled as it lashed its tail and walked after Jack. Jack turned and started running, and the t rex broke into a run and gave chase with a roar.

"MARK!" Jack screamed as he jumped over a tree root. "Mark!" He kept running, hoping his buddy could hear him, but as he ducked behind a tree he heard Ethan scream. He whirled around and realized with horror that the t rex had given up on Jack, and it was turned to face the more helpless of the two. Ethan had tripped and fallen over an uprooted tree root, and he was trying to crab crawl away from the t rex.

The t rex roared in his face and was about to bite him when a huge force suddenly crashed into it, and Jack gasped in relief. Mark had come!

But when the two giant creatures untangled and faced each other, Jack's eyes widened. It wasn't Mark. It was Tyler.

The t rex snarled and bared its teeth, and Tyler was crouched over Ethan. Ethan was trembling in the giant's shadow, but the giant's silver eyes were focused on the dinosaur. Tyler growled at the t rex, and the carnivore snarled again as it eyed its opponent. Jack was staring, stunned, until he heard a low growl from right behind. His heart leaped up his throat as he realized with alarm that there was another animal behind him. He turned around to see a second t rex.

Fuck! Jack took a step back before he turned and ran over to Tyler, and he ducked behind the giant's arm as the t rex's mate joined it. Tyler growled again as he eyed the two tyrannosaurs, and they stared back.

"Ethan, are you ok?" Jack whispered. Ethan nodded. He was shaking with terror, and he had skinned his knee, but he was gonna be ok. Jack pulled the young man up and kept him close, and they watched the stand off with wide eyes.

The first t rex suddenly roared, and the second one joined in as it charged Tyler. It only got a few feet closer before Mark suddenly burst out of the foliage and tackled it. Tyler's eyes widened, and his aggressive stand over Jack and Ethan slackened for a few seconds. But then he snarled and got up, and he ran in and joined the fight. Jack grabbed Ethan and dragged him to safety behind a tree, and they watched, huddled together, the fight of the titans.

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