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Ever had a fear of monsters under your bed? Like you could have sworn you saw what seemed to be a shadow moving down there, or freaked out when you heard a noise under the bed and was scared to look?

I don't expect anybody to believe me on this, nor do I care anymore. I've told this to anyone and everyone I've ever known but none believed...not even my best friend. Not even my therapist. At this point I've given up, and just tell this as a scary story to my "friends", and would like to show it to the world. For the record, yes, this has happened to me. Believe if you want to.

So it started back when I was about six years old. My family had moved to a new house in a new neighborhood, but still close enough to my friends. I still slept with my parents at that age and was horribly scared to sleep alone. On restless nights, I had a habit of looking at the closet, seeing the clothes hanged, and imagining the silhouettes of those clothes forming monsters. Sometimes it looked like dark eyes watching me, sometimes just scary shadows. I would think anything was scary at night.

When we got to the small house, my mom looked back at me from her seat in the car and told me I had to sleep alone from now on. I begged and I pleaded for her to continue sleeping with them but no use, they're decision was made. From that age on, I was forced to sleep alone.

I played outside with my toys while they put the furniture inside. As the sun got lower and the day started to turn into night, a strange fear crept into my body. I kept looking at the sunset, silently begging for it to stay up, when my mom called me in for dinner. As soon as I was finished with dinner, my mother told me to go to sleep because I had school the next day. They went as well shortly after me.

I closed my room door tight, closed all the windows and the closet, and tried going to sleep. It took me a while, but eventually I dosed off, only to be awakened only a few minutes later by the sound off...tapping. At first I thought it was my mom knocking at the door but realized it came from under my bed. Random taps, not in any pattern or anything. It sounded like someone with long fingernails was tapping on the wood, right below my upper back.

When I finally fully woke up, and began to realize that someone or something was tapping below my bed, it stopped.

I believed that it was just something of my imagination and went back to sleep. I was awoken again a few hours later by the same tapping. Again, as soon as whatever was under there saw that I had awoken, it stopped. I resumed my sleeping, only believing it was my imagination.

I awoke the next morning still feeling tired. I went to school, got home, ate dinner and went to sleep again, a little less scared by sleeping alone. Only a little.

Just like last time, the tapping woke me up. Only this time I didn't ignore it...because it didn't stop last like last time. It just continued. A small tapping right under my upper back. Then it changed to something that sent shivers down every inch of my body. It changed to a sound like...like as if it was running its finger nails along the wood. Scratching, sort of. I could almost feel the vibrations going from the left side of my shoulder to the right.

God, it was terrifying. I didn't dare move, or make a noise. I even slowed my breathing. This noise continued for minutes, hours! I couldn't go to sleep with that horrible tapping and scratching under my bed.

Then the noise grew louder. It grew from a tapping to a knocking, then from a knocking to a large banging. I panicked and screamed for my parents. They came rushing in, my dad with a baseball bat.

They asked what had happened. I only told them I had heard a noise from my bed. They looked under it but of course nothing was there. My mom told me to go to bed and I reluctantly did. I wave of fear once again crept over me as she turned off the lights.

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