The Starks

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My name is Lyarra Snow, bastard daughter of Lord Ned Stark of Winterfell. I have a bastard brother named Jon. We both share the last name Snow. We live amongst the other Stark children that our father bore with Catelyn Tully. Lady Catelyn despises us. She made sure we knew of her hatred towards us. We are half siblings to her 5 children; Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon.
Arya and I are just alike. We both don't want to be little ladies ,but to be fighters and and independent women. I guess I kinda beat that into her head.
I didn't want her to turn out like Sansa, always waiting for a man and very dependent. I don't like the silk dresses she wears. Sansa is constantly talking about wanting to marry the prince and how one day she wants to be the queen.
Robb is a strong leader and I know he will rule Winterfell as well as Father does. Robb is also the nicest to Jon and I. He treats us like real Starks and not just like his father's bastards.
Bran is young but full of adventure. He's always climbing. I frequently show him new places to climb. The other day, I showed him the perfect place to see the people that are coming to Winterfell.
Rickon is the youngest and is definitely the sweetest. He used to follow me around until Lady Catelyn would take him away to Robb or someone. After a while of that, he would cling to my leg until I had to pry him off.
Theon Greyjoy was our father's ward. He follows him everywhere trying to kiss his ass. Theon has always been a bit of a prick, staring at my ass. He's told me many times that he'd like to see what I was "hiding". Jon shuts him up quickly before I ever have to.
Jon is my baby brother, well he's my baby brother by 30 seconds. We're twins. We resemble our father the most out of all the actual Stark children. We both have black hair, except his is curly and mine is straight no matter what you do to it. We both tend to be quite most of the time. Jon is the only reason I stay in this shit of a town. We go through the hardships together and we're the closest our of all our siblings.
Winterfell is home of the Starks and Jon and I always feel like we don't belong here ,but this is our home. My room is always the coldest. I keep the windows open ,so I can feel the breeze go through my room to my body. I love the cold . Father always says that 'Winter is coming' even though there hasn't been a winter in years. I'm excited. Like I said, I love the cold. Lady Stark doesn't appreciate how I keep my room. She often tells me to 'shut the bloody windows' but I never listen. Why should I listen to a woman who would take her own life than to listen to me? Winterfell is my home just as much as any other Stark. I have Stark blood in my veins and she hates to think about it. Jon and I look more like our father than any of her children. We're also the most like him too. We're both quite and honorable.
Jon insists that I call Father Lord Stark or my Lord ,but I tell him that he is our father not our lord. We are his children and he loves us all the same.

I wake up on another cold morning. I hear the cry of a raven. It must be a letter to Father. I quickly put on my clothes ,not a dress like the other ladies wear. I wear more boyish clothing. My long black hair fell beside my large breasts that Theon constantly drooled over. I looked in the mirror and sighed.
"Another day, another asshole to punch in the face," I thought to myself as I my reflection smiled in the mirror.
I run out quickly to meet the raven before Theon does. It's sort of a competition we have all the time. Of course, I when every time. I see Theon racing towards the courtyard. Luckily, I'm way faster than he is.
"Not this time ,Greyjoy!" I shout as I push him out of my way.
"Damnit, Lyarra!" Theon says ,out of breath,"I'd like to win at least one time."
"You have to get faster before you'll beat me." I say still running as fast as I can.
All the children have their thing, mine is running. I run every day. No one ever runs with me though. I ask Jon all the time if he wants to ,but he declines no matter how hard I beg. However, he does decide to do it if I'm upset or it's a special occasion that we're both not invited to.
I see the raven in the courtyard. I rush to it, leaving Theon way behind as he was still yelling and cursing. I reach the raven and I untie the letter from its leg as quick as I can. Theon came panting after me.
"I guess I win again, Greyjoy," I say with a confident tone.
"No, the first person to deliver the letter to Maester Luwin wins," he says almost completely out of breath.
"Well in that case," I say as a start sprinting to the maester's chambers.
I look back and I see the pathetic boy jogging after me. Poor thing can't keep up. As I turn my head I almost trip trying not to run into the woman directly in front of me. I suddenly have to stop ,so I don't run into the ignorant woman. I look at woman so I can figure out who I was about to curse ,and the stern face of Catelyn Stark turns to look at me, panting.
"What have you got there?" asked the woman.
"A letter for Father." I say looking down at the seal of the letter, for the first time. "It's from King Robert."
"Let me see it, girl," she says as she snatches it out of my hand.
"Yes, Lady Stark," I say in a fake, polite face.
I turn my back and walk to Theon, who had stopped running and was still trying to catch his breath.
"Tough luck, huh," he says pointing to Lady Stark.
"If that was anyone of her children or even you, she wouldn't have stopped them," I say.
"Well, I wouldn't feel bad. Women get jealous of other women when they know they look prettier than themselves."
"What would you know about women?" I ask because Theon always pretends that he's got experience."
     "I actually know more than you think. For example, I know for a fact that you're the most sexiest woman I've met."
     I punch his arm. "Yeah, and I bet you dream about seeing me naked."
     "Can't say I don't," he says with a mocking tone.

     Later that day, Jon, Robb, and I are teaching Bran how to shoot a bow and arrow properly.
He shoots once again and still misses the target.
     "Take your time, your father's watching," Jon says as they look above us to see Father and Lady Catelyn watching the young boy. "And your mother."
     Bran shoots the arrow again and manages to miss it entirely. Jon, Robb, and I laugh at our little brother. Even young Rickon giggles as he watches his older brother fail.
     "Now which one of you were a marksman at 10?" Father says, smiling down at us.
     "On the contrary, Father, I might not have been a marksman at 10 ,but I definitely remember being better than Jon and Robb at that age." I add. "Go on ,Bran, try again."
     He pulls his bow back and suddenly an arrow goes flying straight into the middle of the target. We all turn to see Arya with a bow in one hand and a grin on her face. Bran starts chasing after her.
     "Run faster ,Bran!" Robb yells.
     I look at Jon who has Rickon helping him gather arrows.
     "Doesn't she remind you of someone?" I ask smiling.
     "Yeah, I would say she's the spitting image of me," he says cockily.
     "I was thinking of someone a little bit more  like... me," I say.
     "I don't know why you would think that. I mean you did spend hours practicing with her."
     Rickon hands Jon a handful of arrows. He starts putting them away in their respective places. All of a sudden I feel like I'm being watched. I look up to see Lady Stark staring daggers at Jon and I. We both quickly try to avoid eye contact.
     "I don't know why she stares at us like that," I tell Jon as we walk away.
     "You know perfectly well why she does that," he says with a bit of annoyance in his voice.
     "Well you would think she'd have our every feature in her head by now," I add.
     Jon laughs and asks,"Anyway are you running today?"
     "Unless I somehow loose my legs. Why do you want to know?"
     "Would you like me to come with you?" He asks. I'm surprised by his question.
     "Everyday I practically beg you to run with me and you still don't. What have you done this time?" I ask with a growing suspicion.
     "I haven't done anything. I just want to tell you something," he says.
     "Are you kissing my ass now to make sure I don't get mad?"
     "Well I'd rather you not. Just tell me what it is you want to tell me."
     "I want to join the Night's Watch," he says fastly.
     "Are you out of your fucking mind!?" I yell.
     "Why are you yelling again,Lyarra?" Robb says, coming out of nowhere. "We really have to work on that, dear."
     "Jon wants to take the black!" I exclaim.
     Robb is obviously shocked by the statement, but he looks at me and calmly says, "Well ,dear sister, Jon's a big boy now and you can't hold his hand anymore. Perhaps you should let Jon join the Night's Watch because it comes with such honor."
     I'm astonished by my two brothers right now. Jon's my baby brother and now he wants to give up everything to freeze his balls off at the wall.
     "Anyway," Robb continues,"Father has to deal with a deserter today and he wants Bran to come."
     "What is with you men today? Bran is way to young see these kind of things," I say.
     "Winter is coming, Lyarra," Robb says.
     "You'd think after 14 years I'd know that winter is coming ,Robb." I roll my eyes. "Let's go and get this over with."

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