The Fallen Boy

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I awake the next morning. I didn't feel like running today. My legs felt numb. Uncle Benjen rode in through the night. Now Jon is definitely going to go. Fuck them all.
There's suddenly a loud knock on my door.
"Leave," I say but then I hear another knock. I roll my eyes,"What part of leave did you not-" I open the door to see Tyrion Lannister. "Lord Tyrion." I bow my head.
"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything," he says
     "No, I was just heading out," I reply with a hint of distaste.
     "May I come in?" He asks
      "Of course," I reply as I close the door. What did this man want?
     "So," he begins,"you're Ned Stark's other bastard."
     "I'm aware of this. Tell me Lord Tyrion, did you only come to point out what I am because I don't think you have the room to talk about bastards, now do you?" I ask sharply.
     "You're a pretty one." He says ignoring my question. "Perhaps if your last name was Stark you'd have men dying to make alliances with the Starks."
     "But I'm not a Stark, am I?" I snap.
     "No, you're not," Lord Tyrion answers.
     "You're an imp though so what's the difference between dwarves and bastard?" I ask innocently.
      "You're smart too!" He exclaims. "No, I'm afraid there isn't much of a difference. Unlike your brother, you except your title."
     "What's the point of denying it? Everyone else won't forget, so why should I?" I ask.
     "And that's why you'll make it farther than your brother." He says, "I hear you don't want your brother to leave."
      "Where did you hear that?" I ask. He brought that up out of nowhere.
      "You were just yelling it last night," he smirks.
      I look down at him with a sour look opon my face. "If you're brother left to join the wall, wouldn't you be upset?"
     "My brother can take care of himself. He always has. That's what makes him the 'Kingslayer'." He adds with emphasis.
     "Should I be worried then?" I ask looking out my window.
     "Depends on if you trust him with his own life," he answers.
     "He's smart ,but he can be hotheaded," I say.
     "Then I guess you can't," he replies sharply, "I hear your going to Kings Landing."
     "Lady Catelyn doesn't want me here ,so I guess I have to go. At first, Father didn't want me to go because he thought I'd be ridiculed, but Jon told him I could handle myself," I say.
"I'll be heading to the Wall with your brother," he says as he joins me at the window.
"Are you going to take the black?" I ask puzzled.
"No, I don't believe I'm fit for the role." He smiles."I just want to visit the thing that's protecting us."
"Do you believe in the white walkers?" I ask and he frowns.
"White walkers are merely a legend that men make up to escape the Wall. Not that it ever works out for them." He explains. "But I believe I must take my leave, I have some young women to attend to." He exits the room and I'm left to my thoughts.
I had another strange dream last night. Bran was climbing a tower like always does, but he was cut short by a some people making noise. The last thing I remember is the boy falling from the tower, but Bran doesn't fall. He never has. He's climbed in the rain and the snow. He's never fallen. I don't believe he ever will.

     "I don't want to go to Kings Landing," Arya says.
     "Well, I'm not to happy about it either," I say plopping myself onto her bed.
     "Why did Father have to accept?" She asks.
"Probably because he doesn't want to disappoint the king," I answer. "Father and Robert Baratheon have been friends for many years, if I were him I would go too."
"No you wouldn't," she snaps.
"And how do you know that?" I ask.
"Because your eyebrows raise when you lie," she answers.
I laugh, "I guess I need to work on that then."
She smiles, "You really should. You're very bad at lying."
She throws clothes into a trunk as Nymeria brings them to her.
"You know you're going to have to repack that later," I say.
"Why should I?" She asks. "It's not like it needs to be neat."
"Ok, just know I warned you."
"Why can't Sansa be more like you?" She looks at me big, brown eyes.
"What do you mean more like me?" I ask.
"All she wants is to marry Joffrey. It's really annoying," she says, "but you're more like me and I like that."
"Not everyone can be like us," I sigh, "Sansa is just young. She's always been ladylike and you can't change that."
"Why does she even want to marry the Prince? He looks like a girl," she says.
I laugh, "he does look like a girl."
"I still don't want to go to Kings Landing," she whines.
"It probably isn't that bad. You may meet the boy you'll one day marry," I tease.
"I doubt it," she says.
Father had gone hunting with the King this morning. He was supposed to be back this afternoon. My eyes slowly close as Arya complains some more. I see Father mounting his horse this morning. Then, I see Bran watching him take his leave. Bran runs as Summer runs after him. He stops at the tower I showed him how to climb just the other day. He starts climbing to the top, but suddenly he stops like he's heard something. He climbs toward the window of the tower. Summer is watching him from the ground. All of the sudden I see the paw of a lion push Bran. He falls from the tower and all I can see is darkness.

I jerk up from my nap with beads of sweat across my forehead. Arya jumps a little.
"How long have I been out?" I ask.
"Five minutes maybe. What's wrong?" She asks.
"I'll be right back," I say.
I quickly get off the bed and head down the corridor. I hope this isn't real. I keep seeing flashes of Bran falling as I near the tower. I start jogging. I can hear barking getting louder as I come even closer. I see the darkness again. I start to run now. Summer's barks get closer and louder by the second. I turn the corner. I gasp as I see an unconscious Bran on the ground. I can hardly speak. I start yelling.
"Help somebody!" I yell, "Bran wake up! Wake up!" I put his head in my lap. "Somebody help, Bran! Wake up!" I look to Summer, "Summer go get help." The wolf barks but runs off.
"Oh sweet Bran please wake up."

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