Character Answers

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Publishing early. If you had a question and you still want to ask, questions close July 10th. Have a ball.


chrysantheum_ : "Are you okay sisteren?"

It depends on what okay means.

nataylamarie_ : "Please don't die."

Oops, not up to me.

-BatmanTrash- : "What does it feel like to learn how to do stuff like that?"

Accelerated development is crazy, dude. It's
Like you have the power to learn how to do anything perfectly in the matter of a few minutes.

@desperadoloving : "How're you holding up?"

I think I might be unconscious...or dead, either way I'm reflecting on my life so I'm doing...fine?

@VirtualWords : "How're your ribs doin'?"

Better than the hole in my stomach

@bonniebeast : "Why did you pick the name Rachel?"

Rachel Robinson was my hero, so I thought why the hell not.


chrysantheum_ : "How long have you been in love with Rachel?"

Well, how long and when are two completely different things. I believe I realized I loved her the day she called me from Brazil. I only somehow knew what she was going through when she called me crying and I couldn't help but want to hold her and comfort her and soothe her until she felt stronger and then on. That's when I realized I loved her. I think I fell in love with her the day we first met.

Taji_Cupcake : "If Rachel dies, can I have you?"

...I appreciate the gesture ma'am, but Rachel isn't going to die. I won't let her, not on my life.

-BatmanTrash- : "Um when are you gonna fondue with ol' girl?"

I'm never going to live that down, am I?

@desperadoloving : "What's your favorite feature about Rachel?"

There are a lot of things I physically love about her, but my favorite thing about her will always be her smile. She has the most beautiful and genuine smile when she's happy.

@desperadoloving : "Do you want kids with Rachel? If it goes far enough?"

My goal would be to first marry her, but...yeah. Someday later if I'm able to handle it, a family, stability, then I would love to pursue it with her.

@VirtualWords : What were your first thoughts when you first saw who made you a hot mess?

That she was probably a fascinating kind of way.

@bonniebeast : "Do you know about Rachel's medication?"

Well she has depression, her meds were on her chart when I was briefed on her case. She needs them. There's nothing wrong with that.


nataylamarie_ : "Why you such a lil' bitch?"

It takes a lil' bitch to ruin the world sometimes, darlin'.

Taji_Cupcake : "Why aren't you dead yet, and why'd you shoot my girl Rachel?"

It seems they want me alive, to ask me why and who put me up to it and what not. Your girl was in my way.

lovemierecat : "Why do you keep running from death? Let it pursue and hunt you down."

I don't think you get it. I want to die. I just want the world to be cleansed of all its impurities before I do. I am the predator. Death is my prey.

-BatmanTrash- : "Why didn't you just capture her in Brazil?"

There's a thing called an agenda. We tend to stick to them sometimes, us "bad guys".


@lucidityx_ : "So what do you plan on doing inside Rachel's body?"

I want to protect her from the ugliness of this world.

-BatmanTrash- : "Are you really a murderous rebel?"

Despite what you mortals believe about me, I am not what you may think I am.

@desperadoloving : "Are you or have you ever had evil intentions?"

I am a Goddess. I have been on my own for millennia. I do not care much for others and I wish to live my own way. I do not consider myself or my intentions "evil", I consider anyone who would've called me such "afraid".

@VirtualWords : "Are you immortal?"

Physically, I am not. Spiritually, it is up to you.

Me (The Author!)

nataylamarie_ : "How did you come up with this bomb ass story line? Any other marvel BWWM books in the works? Any suggestions?"

Last summer, I ended up staying up all night writing out in explicit detail how this was was gonna play out. Hmm as for my Marvel books in the making, I have a sequel to this already planned out, some Iron Man ("Between"), and of course some nice lil Tom Holland Peter Parker FF entitled "She Glows" coming out late July. Suggestions for writing a good book...well...if it's fanfic, then I suggest you put as much as yourself into your character to help define her. Also organization!

@VirtualWords : "Are you planning a happy ending for Steve and Rachel? How'd you come up with Rachel's power?"

Depends on your definition of happy ending. Rachel happens to be half of a reflection off of myself. I like speaking different languages. I wanted to have a power that wouldn't focus on physical strength or go as far as being a super genius, so I went with what I knew and just made do with it. But there's also her accelerated development that helps her learn how to do things at the drop of a hat. Not cliche or overused!

@BonnieBeast : "Do you plan out the whole story before you begin writing? How do you get through writer's block?

I do plan out the whole story, yeah. It helps me stay on schedule and have something to look forward to. And when I get writer's block I usually think of something stupid for a filler and reflect on it. Or I go into my book ideas and edit one of those.

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