Chapter 15

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 I am officially the most unluckiest person in the world.

Why? Out of all the brides in New York, I got her. No doubt she'll be bossing me around like her own personal slave. She'll be the worst of all the bridezillas I've had to deal with. I can feel it.

I sighed. I need a coffee break. 

"Hi, what can I get you?"

"I'll get a venti caramel frappuccino with extra whip cream, please."

"Alright, and your name?"


She punched into the computer my order. "That'll be $5.62."

I gave the cashier a ten and texted Isis on my phone while I waited for my change. We were thinking about meeting up for drinks later. She wanted to know about "L.A. glam life." And I needed some girl time. It could take the pressure off my hell of a life, and maybe I need someone to vent to too.


"Rich, hey what a coincidence." I smiled. "Since when do you get your own coffee?" I joked.

"Since you left."

We were both standing in awkward silence. Way to kill the mood, Rich. That was a total conversation breaker. And I think he knew it.

"Look, I'm sorry abou-"

"Richard?" the same cashier interrupted, holding out a cup of hot coffee.

He nodded and took the cup from her. The cashier did a once over and smiled flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Rich.

"Look," he said cutting me off, "I'll see you around. Kay?"

He left abruptly. I didn't even get to reply before he walked out the door. Okay, then. So he's mad at me. Just another thing to vent about with Isis.

"He did what?!" Isis exclaimed with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Ew! Close your mouth while you chew." I scrunched my nose.

She covered her mouth and sheepishly muttered, "Sorry."

"So let me get this straight," she sat up from her position on the couch opposite me. "He just cut you off. Just like that, and left?"

I nodded. "And I'm working for his bride. I mean, how worse can this get?"

"God, you're life is like a soap opera...switch lives with me!"

I laughed. "What? Why would you want to do that?"

"Because my daily life is making sure I wake up early enough to open up the shop, and the whole sleep, eat, and use the restroom routine. I think the most interesting thing that's happened to me this week is when I unsuccessfully flirted with a guy."

"Are you that bad of a flirt?"

"No, I'm actually a great flirt for your information. He had a boyfriend."

I burst out into a fit laughter. She threw popcorn at me while I dodged the little kernels. This was good. A night where I can just hang with a my best girl friend. Or well, who I consider my best girl friend anyway.

After the laughter subsided, we cleaned up the mess we made in my apartment and continued to watch reruns of the American Horror Story. And maybe had a little alcohol. Or a lot of alcohol...

"Vivian, wake up. Vivian. Vivian!"

"What? What happened?" I asked sleepily.

"Well, I'm late for opening up and you have an appointment with the bridezilla. So get your ass up and take a shower. You reek of whiskey." Isis said.

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