Chapter 17

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Beep, beep, beep

It was eerily quiet. The only sound was that annoying beeping sound. I slowly opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by bright lights. As I tried to move, I felt something attached to my arm. What the fu-

"Ah, Ms. Keeley. So glad you're awake. You had quite a scare there."

I squinted my eyes and saw a man with a clip board writing something on the dry erase board on the wall. As my vision became more clear I could see that I was in a hospital room. How did I end up here? I looked at what was on my arm and saw an IV drop. Ugh. I quickly looked away.

"Alright now, Ms. Keeley, do you remember what happened? From the look of things, you seem confused."

I concentrated really hard and remembered when the other car had crashed into my side and the car went flipping over. I mentally shivered from the topsy turby feeling that I had went through.

"Yes, I remember now. Just had a moment of blankness." I slowly sat up. The doctor came over and helped me adjust.

"Well, I'm Dr. Thompson. I'm glad you were brought in. If they had waited any longer.." he shook his head, "I'm glad you're doing alright."

"Here's the verdict, Ms. Keeley, you'll have to wear that brace on your arm for 4 weeks max." I looked at my left arm. "and you seemed to have suffered a mild concussion. We'll be prescribing some pain meds for that. We suggest you take it easy for the next few weeks. No torn ligaments. And just a few bumps and bruises. You're very lucky." Dr. Thompson continued to write on his clip board and finally looked up.

"And the baby is doing just fine. You've got a little fighter there."


"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" I blinked.

"I said that you had a little fighter."

"No, before that."

"The baby is doing fine?"

"Baby? As in...mine?" I pointed to myself.

He chuckled, "Yes, I mean yours. Don't worry. The impact of the accident didn't affect the child. Your body took most of it."

"I'm pregnant?" I asked just to be sure.

"You weren't aware?" he questioned.

I slowly shook my head.

"Understandable. Symptoms take time to show up depending on the person. Well congratulations, Ms. Keeley. We'll need you to stay overnight to monitor the baby. Then you're free to go in the morning. Sound good?"

I nodded.

"You also have a visitor by the name of-"

"Oh thank god, you're alive. You look terrible." Luciano commented from the door way.

"Thanks, every girl loves to hear that." I replied.

A nurse came rushing in behind him, "I am so sorry, Dr. Thompson. I'll escort him," she gave a pointed look to Luciano, "out."

I shook my head. "It's fine."

"You must be the father. Congratulations. You seem to have a little miracle baby." Dr. Thompson smiled.

Luciano's face dropped. "Baby?"

Dr. Thompson realized his mistake and quickly excused himself. He had an apologetic look before leaving. Gah, it's not even his but ok. Once he left, Luciano turned to me.

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