Chapter 21

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Over the next year Albert would hang out in his room, often dressing up and pretending to be the girl he wished he had been born as.

On several occasions when his mom sent him in the store with a list of things to get her, he would add a tube of lipstick, a small eyeshadow pallet, mascara or a bottle of nail polish. Just one each time, a small purchase he could slip in his pocket on the way back to the car and that she would never notice.

Anytime he knew he would be home alone for an extended period of time he would spend much of that time experimenting with the collection of makeup he had amassed.

His mom continued to disapprove of the cross dressing he did in his room and forbid him from showing up to mealtime, dressed in his girl clothes.

Often times he tried to imagine what his school day might be like walking the halls in his short pleated skirt, white blouse, and nylons. Some times he would put on his nice dress and imagine he was preparing for a school dance or a day out with other girls shopping. He was getting go with the makeup and would try different styles he learned online, imagining he was preparing for a special date or something different for a day at school.

He was doing his own laundry now because his mother didn't want to see any of the things that would remind her of what he was up to in his room these days. She just couldn't seem to get over it.

It saddened Albert, but most of the time he and his parents acted like they always had.

Finally, the day came back around. Albert stood in the same parking lot, this time with only his dad, once again waiting for the bus to arrive. He was heading back to camp.

They watched as the bus entered the parking lot and pulled to a stop, the door opening with a hiss.

Albert turned and gave his Dad a huge hug, careful to not smudge the minimal, makeup he had applied on the way there.

"Thanks dad," he excitedly uttered before running to board the bus, nothing in hand but a few items in the small makeup pouch that his dad had bought him for his birthday. He took a seat and peered out the window. He wave bye, again.

His Dad smiled as he waved back. It made him happy to see his son so happy. He was doing a lot better at dealing with all of this than his Mom.

The bus was a lot noisier today, than it was the last year.  The boys on it were all returning campers and already knew each other.

Finally, after a couple more stops, a boy got on and as soon as he spotted Albert he raced toward the back. He immediately took the seat beside Albert and threw his arms around him in a tight hug.


Albert groaned through the crush of the embrace.

"I have missed you so much! You wouldn't believe the year I've had."

"Oh, Belinda," Julie sighed in relief as the hug ended.  "I've missed you, too."

The entire rest of the trip, the two chatted away with each other ignoring the passing scenery that they had studied so intently on their previous ride toward the camp.

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