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This part will also have some Q&A and other exercises to apply to your book.

Don't feel pressured to answer every single one, but try to challenge yourself! There's no judging here. This is a safe space.

Remember, the point of this guidebook is for you to improve and not feel the need to seek out an editor (at least not until you are one stage away from finally publishing your work!).

Please don't ruin it for yourself and look at the answers others have posted. How will you learn if you do so?

Good luck!


1. When you see the narrative use the pronouns "I" and "we," what point-of-view can you safely assume the author is using?

2. What viewpoint is similar to a camera following the characters around?

3. What viewpoint immerses the reader in the experience of "being" inside the character?

4. What point-of-view is best for providing distance between the readers and the character?

5. What point-of-view has the narrator remain a detached observer, never disclosing anything about what the character thinks or feels?

6. What point-of-view is best for misleading, or surprising, your readers with a revelation?

7. When you see the narrative use the pronouns "he," "she," "it," and "they" what point-of-view can you safely assume the author is using?

8. What point-of-view offers the reader the most intimate viewpoint to the character?

9. What viewpoint allows the author to bring the reader close inside the character's head, or pull back and insert more distance?

10. When you see the narrative use the pronoun "you" what point-of-view can you safely assume the author is using?

11. What point-of-view allows the author to comment on the world of the character, and the characters themselves, and enter the minds of any of the characters in the story?

12. What POV is similar to Third-Person Limited but with the intimacy of First-Person POV?

Apply to your work

1. What vantage point have you chosen for your book?

2. Why? What makes it more important than another vantage point?

3. Will you be writing in single or multiple perspectives? Why?

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