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1. When you see the narrative use the pronouns "I" and "we," what point-of-view can you safely assume the author is using?

First-person point-of-view.

2. What viewpoint is similar to a camera following the characters around?

Third-person point-of-view.

3. What viewpoint immerses the reader in the experience of "being" inside the character?

First-person point-of-view.

4. What point-of-view is best for providing distance between the readers and the character?

Third-person point-of-view.

5. What point-of-view has the narrator remain a detached observer, never disclosing anything about what the character thinks or feels?

Third-Person Dramatic or Objective point-of-view.

6. What point-of-view is best for misleading, or surprising, your readers with a revelation?

First-person point-of-view.

7. When you see the narrative use the pronouns "he," "she," "it," and "they" what point-of-view can you safely assume the author is using?

Third-person point-of-view.

8. What point-of-view offers the reader the most intimate viewpoint to the character?

First-person point-of-view.

9. What viewpoint allows the author to bring the reader close inside the character's head, or pull back and insert more distance?

Third-person Limited point-of-view.

10. When you see the narrative use the pronoun "you" what point-of-view can you safely assume the author is using?

Second-person point-of-view.

11. What point-of-view allows the author to comment on the world of the character, and the characters themselves, and enter the minds of any of the characters in the story?

Third-person Omniscient or Authorial point-of-view.

12. What POV is similar to Third-Person Limited but with the intimacy of First-Person POV?

Deep POV.

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