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Don't we all get that feeling about how much we hate time. About how much we hate always having to wait for things to get better. We hear people constantly tell us "its ok time will take care of it". But Don't they realize that you are tired of waiting. Don't they realize that time is what's causing you to loose your hope. We sit and wait for ages and ages for things to get better Because that's what they say to, "just wait, it'll get better". But as time passes, we begin to question if they are right. I mean hell, how long am I gonna have to wait. You said that it would get better and I don't see anything happening. I mean, I wouldn't blame someone who's been waiting so long for things to get better just to be disappointed. Some people are able to wait longer then others. While some people are impatient and want things to change right then and there. I know that feeling when your just so annoyed with time and tired of waiting. But, sometimes you just have to take manners into your own hands. Instead of sitting and waiting around. I know that you might be losing hope little by little everyday. But sometimes you just have to think, "I want my life to get better". So maybe you should try your best to make things better. I mean you can't lie, life is a butt. So maybe you should have that type of attitude like "I know things are hard but I'm not just gonna sit and mope and wait around, I need to do something about it". Yes, sometimes, well most of the time, I know its very hard to keep that type of attitude because of certain things that have happened along the way. Trust me, I can relate. But, you need to promise yourself that you'll try, that you have to do this because what seems better? Sitting and waiting or doing something to help?

Hey. I know I haven't updated this story in a while but. Here it is. Once again I want to let you know. I write these things to let you guys under stand that people need to understand that everyone goes through things and you might not think about that sometimes. Anyway plz VOTE. Bye loves!

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