Chapter 51: Alpha Archer's POV

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  "She's actually going out with a Kayley and her friends right now, do not fret my child, she will be okay," my mother said on the phone, her voice soothing me from my worries of Kayley planning something. I inhaled deeply, brushing my hair back as I leant against the wall with the phone pressed to my ear. I was glad Kayley was trying, happy even.

     "Thank you mother, I'm glad Kayley is trying, how are you going?" I asked her, remembering my manners as a few people had passed me, eyeing me down as I spoke into the phone. I lowly growled at them.

   "Your father and I are doing quite fine, how is therapy going?" she replied, keeping the conversation light and free flowing. I smiled, knowing how well it seemed. I was doing quite well, my anger issues were diminishing and I was having almost full control over my wolf. Things were finally brightening up for me and it meant that Irene and I could sort out our issues better, I was really happy.

   "Perfect, just a couple more weeks mother then Irene and I go on our holiday, then back to the pack. I can't wait," I beamed, a smile painting my face at the thought of seeing Irene again, it made my insides melt and my skin on fire. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I missed her. I missed her scent. I missed how she smiles. I missed her laugh. I missed her body. I miss everything about her.

    "I know, I can't wait to see you. Irene has been missing you too, I can smell it on her," my mother replies, making my heart clench and my wolf howl in pure happiness. I felt a smile grow on my face, it reached my eyes as I thought of how she missed me. I couldn't be any happier than I was, knowing that she missed me has made my day. She's changed me.

    "That's good, Goddess, I miss you all," I pouted slightly, knowing that it has been a few days since I've last held my family together.

     "We all miss you, family therapy gets us too much sometimes, the pack therapy, however, has brought us all closer, I made some new friends!" my mother beamed out, making me smile for her. She's always had trouble making new friends, at least the pack is happier and better. I hope that when I arrive, they welcome me back with open arms and praise me for doing this for them. I am doing therapy for my mate and pack, this is for them.

    "I'm happy for you, I'm glad the pack is coming together. Will you be having a packed dinner or party?" I asked her, trying to picture the whole pack coming together after two years of nothing but small dinners and lunch.

    "Oh course! I am so excited, we'll be having it by the end of next week. Friday. The whole pack is excited to have this, the pups are buzzing and the whole family is preparing," she yelled into the phone, causing me to put the phone a little far away from my ear. I chuckled and pressed the phone against my ear when I heard that she had calmed down.

     "I'm glad, the pack deserves something like this. However, I won't be there to join you guys, hope you have a great time," I said, feeling a little down as I knew I won't be able to make it to the party. My trainers have gotten tougher on me and they knew about my little escapade with my mate, I got a good beating for that. 

    "I wish you were here, you're trainers have complimented on how well you're progressing, even making a friend there. What's his name? Max, is it?" she questioned.

   I had made a friend during my time here, his name is not Max, but Matthew. He's a good wolf, used to be a beta back in his old pack until his wolf became unstable that he came here. He's dealt with a lot, rejected by his mate and left with his pup and then had an outbreak, hence why his wolf is unstable. They both love their mate and pup, only having to speak with them every Saturday for an hour. His pup's name is Violet and his mate's name was Naomi. They're both very beautiful ladies, Matthew's a lucky guy, but I'm luckier.

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