XXII. Hourglass

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The hospital room was bright and quiet. Mel couldn't concentrate on her book from Dr. Cullen when her thoughts were louder than her surroundings, so she flicked on the mini TV in the corner of the room.

The news channel played as background noise while Mel read her French book. She felt more comfortable now that the place wasn't eerily silent. Mel was used to the hustle and bustle of nurses and her social worker, but the time between visits stretched longer as the days went by.

"--arrested on domestic abuse charges--" A broadcast about Jeremy Jackson being arrested was suddenly splattered across the screen. Mel's head snapped up at the familiar name, and she couldn't tear her eyes away. The camera zoomed in on her stepdad; he looked murderous, even as the policewoman dragged him from their family home in handcuffs. "Neighbors say that in the last year--" The TV blinked out.

Mel turned towards the clicking noise. Carlisle had turned the TV off with a remote when he entered the room.

"I have a proposal for you." The doctor placed both of the remotes on the counter, out of Mel's reach.

Mel furrowed her brows. She thought Carlisle was married.

"My wife and I would like to bring you into our home as a foster daughter."

Oh. He hadn't meant that kind of proposal. Quiet down, heart.

"No." Mel shook her head to emphasize her words. "No, thanks." No way.

"You have a few days to consider our offer while you mend." Melaina was not keen on living with people who knew her darkest secrets.

"Why do you care?" Melaina challenged. She knew she was being rude when he was so kind, but she was sore and tired and in no mood to play nice.

"We're offering our home to you as a safe place to stay. All of our children are fosters as well." That didn't quite answer Mel's question, but it did distract her.

"All of them?"

"All of them," he confirmed. "Jasper and Rosalie are twins from Texas. Emmett is from Tennessee, Alice is from Mississippi, and Edward is from Illinois."

"You've been all over, wow. I like to travel, but I've only been to Canada," Mel said with a frown.

"My family likes to travel. We have houses here and there for when we need time away. Where would you like to travel?"

Mel brushed a finger across her French culture book. "France, mostly. I want to people watch in a cafe in Paris and then walk the fields of lavender flowers in Toulouse..." she trailed off.

They talked for a while about traveling. Carlisle told stories about Italy and Spain and some memories from his brief trip to France. He had to leave to tend to another patient, and when he returned later that night, Melaina was already fast asleep.


One: they were in it for the foster care money from the state.

Two: I'm basically a charity case to them.

Three: they've always wanted a used and abused fourteen-year-old daughter like me.

Mel scoffed at the last idea on her mental list of why the Cullen family wanted to foster her. They didn't need money either, so Mel's best guess was that she was only a charity case and they pitied her.

She sighed; pity was worse than being a cash cow.

Carlisle arrived at lunch time from the cafeteria with a tray of food. "Thank you," Mel said gratefully as he set it down in her lap. She picked up the fork and stabbed into her bowl of macaroni and cheese. Each bite was watery and tasteless, but Mel was hungry enough to eat it without complaint.

"Have you thought more about my offer? I understand if you have concerns or questions, and I am willing to supply you with whatever knowledge you need to ease your worries."

Melaina made an excuse as to why she couldn't go home with Dr. Cullen. She was not going to live with a doctor who would observe and control her every move with a watchful eye.

"I can't leave my home," Mel said. "My baby is buried at that house."

"Your--What?" Carlisle looked taken aback, and Mel's lips twitched as she held back a giggle at his stunned reaction.

"Bamboozle. My hamster," she clarified. "I buried him by the light post out front. I can't leave him." Bamboozle was her adorable little Chinese dwarf. There was a low point in her younger years when she truly believed her hamster was the only thing in the world that loved her.


"It's my home, Carlisle. It's the last place that my mom was strong enough to give me a proper hug. It was our last hug."

"Leaving that house doesn't mean that you're leaving those you love behind. Don't you think your mother would have wanted a better life for you? This is your chance to expand your horizons outside of a familiar place. Do you ever wonder what else the world has to offer when you're not fighting to be free?"

"I'm not ready," Mel mumbled stubbornly. She frowned at her hands like they told her to take candy from a baby.

"You're out of time, Melaina," Dr. Cullen said softly. "Ms. Discher is returning today. You're being released from the hospital tomorrow, and she will want to know your answer to make necessary arrangements."

No pressure.

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