XXXVI. Saved by Love

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The fighting didn't end when the decision was made for the Cullens to stay in Forks, Washington. Rosalie continued to bicker with Edward when Carlisle, Esme, and Alice went out for a quick hunt. Emmett and Jasper were probably playing video games on the movie theater screen. Melaina tried to focus on the music playing through her speakers in her room, but her siblings' voices kept rising.

"Humans are meant to die! You've now caused her to have to live on this miserable earth for longer." Rosalie's voice was a shrill screech.

"You're saying I should regret saving her?" Edward replied in a hard voice.

"You can't save everyone, Edward! We saved Melaina, only to put her at risk!" Rosalie argued.

Great, Melaina thought with a sigh. Now they're arguing about me.

"How is Bella any different from Melaina? The risk is just as high as when we took her in," Edward snapped at his blonde sister.

"Other than their mortality, Mel is nothing like her."

"Then why do you care, Rosalie?"

"You know why!" Rose growled. She was annoyed with this futile argument with her naïve brother. Melaina was dying, or trying to, when they saved her. Bella had a life ahead of her that the Cullens did not need to be involved in.


Mel jumped a foot in the air at the voice near her ear. Jasper had snuck into her room with his vampire speed and spooked her when she was focused on her eavesdropping.

"What are you doin'?"

"Nothing," she lied. "What are you doing?"

"Don't take what they're sayin' personally. We're all on edge right now. One little girl could ruin our lives and we can do nothin' about it unless Carlisle gives the go-ahead."

"Did you think that about me once? That I could ruin your lives?"

Jasper patted the bed for Mel to come join him, so she left her spot by the door. She wrapped her Eiffel Tower blanket around her shoulders and leaned into Jasper's cold body.

"I was afraid, yes. Alice grew attached to you so fast, but there were so many risks that came with takin' you in. I tried to convince them that you would be better off with a normal, human family, but I was voted against. Thankfully though, I was wrong, and this--you--ended up bein' a good thing for the family."

"Thanks for being honest," Mel said sincerely. "Sometimes I feel like everyone modifies things because I'm human. I don't want the edited version."

"I have never lied to you, Mel. I don't plan on it either. I wouldn't be a Southern gentleman if I did."

"Thank you." She snuggled deeper into his brotherly embrace.

"Anythin' else you want to know?" Jasper asked. "I have all the time in the world."

Mel laughed a little because of how true his words really were. She wracked her brain for a minute, then asked curiously, "How did you meet Alice?"

A smile touched Jasper's pale lips. "She saved me," he started. "You know that I had a different upbringin' from the others." Mel nodded for him to continue; she knew that he wouldn't delve into that story with her for a long time. She had a sneaking suspicion that Carlisle had forbade it.

"It was 1948 in Philadelphia. She saw me comin', of course." He smirked to himself. "I was only passin' through the town when I smelled the blood that brought me into a little diner. Alice approached me when I stepped through the door, like we were already close friends.

"After livin' with Maria for so long, I was wary of the immortal woman who claimed that I had kept her waitin'. I was mystified by her assertiveness, but I could feel her joyful emotions and knew that she was pure at heart. She wasn't afraid like I was, but that all changed for me when I took the hand that she held out."

"For the first time in a century, I felt hope."

Mel excitedly slapped his arm as she squealed. "You two are relationship goals, I swear."

"Alice has made all the difference."

"I'm going to cry," Mel said, emotionally fanning her face.

"Alice may be made of rainbows and butterflies, but we're not perfect. Alice told me about vampires who lived differently than us--the Cullens. I could hardly believe that there was another way. We searched for two years before joinin' Carlisle's family. Esme, Edward, and Rosalie were already with him at that time." Jasper paused thoughtfully.

"It was hard, in the beginnin', to commit to the vegetarian lifestyle," he admitted. "I did it for Alice, but I have found peace in not havin' to feel the negative emotions of my victims when I feed. We went through a rough patch on several occasions; we always found our way back to each other. After sufferin' some time apart, I pulled myself together and went back home to her.

"I first asked for forgiveness, then I asked her to be my wife."

Melaina flung her arms around Jasper. When she sat back, Jasper reached for her arm and brought it out from under her blanket. He ran a gentle finger down the white ridges on her wrist.

"One day, Melaina, you'll find the one who will give you unconditional love. He will love you with all of your flaws, because he'll know that every part of you is exactly what he needs. It could be love at first sight, or maybe you won't sense it right away. You just have to trust what destiny has in store.

"I thought that I wasn't deserving of love after Maria played me, after all I had done to innocent men, women, and children... Fate gave me a second chance. Alice was truly my destiny, my soulmate, and she changed me for the better."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

That Jasper and Mel moment though😍😭 Mel's reactions to Jasper's love with Alice is totally me.

I love Alice and Jasper so much, if that's not obvious, so I really like how this chapter turned out.


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