the big bang part II

3 0 0

7 p.m.

here i am

distraught, heartbroken

head in my hand


my phone in the other

7 p.m.

there you are

distressed, disheartened

head looking up


your phone to your ear

here i am

holding it in

waiting for you

there you are

wanting release

saying the words that'll change everything

it's a different kind of moment

hearing your voice say those words

it was the moment that changed everything

that changed me

time stood still once more

even though i wanted it to fast forward

the darkness outside grew

even though i wanted to see the light once more

my heart skipped a beat and stopped all at once

even though i wanted some proof i'm still living

brown eyes shut close, saying good bye to the colors

even though i wanted to see those colors for the rest of my life

it was the worst moment

to tell you

to say what i've never told anyone

but i didn't

because i would be lying if i did


i said                                                                    "i'll always love you"

because that was the truth.

and it still is true.

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