Chapter 24 ~ Thank You

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Lindsey's POV:

I woke up at 6:30 to the sound of my phone alarm going off.

I let out a sigh and pressed snoozed once, to let me wake up nine minutes later.

I finally realize that I have somewhere to be this morning, so I force myself to sit up and push myself out of bed.

I do my usual to get ready, brush my teeth, change into some casual clothes, brush my hair and slip a hair tie onto my wrist, and grab some shoes.

I decided to leave my face makeup free since there was no need for it, I was only going to the animal shelter.

I made my way downstairs, and then pulled pop-tarts from the cabinet and threw them into the toaster.

I actually like to drink milk with my pop-tarts, so I grabbed the bottle of milk I bought yesterday from the grocery store.

I grabbed my phone and to text Jake.

Me: hey babe, I'm going to leave in about five minutes so be ready!

In not a minute later, he replied.

Jake: Good morning beautiful. I'm gonna jump in the shower and then I'll be ready. See you soon!

My face lit up the second I read the first sentence of his text.

My toaster made a ding, signaling that my pop-tarts were ready. I went into the kitchen to take them out.

"Ouch, hot, hot!" I exclaimed when I tried to take them out as quickly as I could.

I tossed them into the container I took out earlier, and closed the lid of it.

I picked up the container, passed the dining room table to pick up my milk, and grabbed Jake's truck keys hanging on the hook rack mounted to the wall next to the door.

I also grabbed my sunglasses and purse resting on the table next to the door as well, and locked the door with my house keys.

I started Jake's truck and drove off.


Only about ten minutes later, I arrived at Jake's house.

I pulled up to his driveway and parked.

I turned off the truck, took the keys out of the ignition, and locked the truck.

I slid the truck keys into my purse hanging on my shoulder, and rang the doorbell.

I also brought my sunglasses off my face and rested it at the top of my head.

In about thirty seconds, Ms. Levi greeted me at the door.

"Hi sweetie, are you here to see Jake?" she asked me.

She was still dressed in pajamas, which in reasonable considering it's only 7:30 in the morning.

"Yes, ma'am. We're going to volunteer at the animal shelter." I answered.

"That sounds fun, let me go call Jake. Come on in." she said, extending the door open a little more so I can enter the house.

I walked into their house and sat on the couch in the living room.

"I'll go call Jake for you. Make yourself comfortable." she said to me.

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