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I tighten the backpack around my shoulders and take a deep breath.

Today's the day.

I stand by Luke while he holds on to his sister.

Griffin stands in front of me, his brownish green eyes boring into mine, hands gripped onto his own backpack. He looks at me like he knows something is wrong.

We're all going out today.

All of us.

And the possibility of not making it back is scaring the hell out of me.

I suddenly grab Griffin's shoulders and pull him into me, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.

I'd only cry if Cade was here but I have to be strong and just be hopeful that my boyfriend comes back in one piece.

"He'll come back." Griffin whispers, reading my mind like a book.

"And if he doesn't?" I mumble, letting go of the tall, shaggy brown haired boy, my eyes going back to his.

"That's not gonna happen." He says, reassuring me until I'm calm enough to take a deep breath.

My chest doesn't feel as tight anymore.

"Okay everyone in their groups?" Marcus calls, watching the rest of us finding our pairs.

Griffin goes over to Lena she wraps her arms around him.

Luke and Carrie are already talking, Kaitlyn still hanging onto her brother.

Harry runs over to go with Lena, and Marcus comes over to me.

"Can you put this in your pocket?" He hands me a small flashlight.

"Okay Lori, you know the plan?"

Marcus looks calm and collected on the outside but I know his mind is racing at precisely 20 miles a minute.

"All three groups are taking different paths through town to Res Corp. If we run into Reepers, go north. If we run into Bradley, go south. We're also looking out for Levi and Cade's groups and any weapons in close enough proximity to the Reepers. Oh yeah, and don't die."

His fingers twitch as he reaches out to squeeze my arm, fully aware that I'm not even close to physically stable let alone on a mental level.

The thought of losing someone else close to me is too hard to wrap my head around.

"Griffin goes first." Marcus calls suddenly, his celadon green eyes still trained on mine.

After a few seconds, I hear the lock of the window click open and a heavy grunt sounds as Griffin climbs out the small opening.

Lena follows silently, bringing Harry with her as they start to disappear down the thick foggy sidewalk, their figures dissolving into the mist.

I shiver. 

"Now Luke." Marcus says softly to the boy standing in front of him, Carrie slipping behind him and out of sight.

When the window shuts with a dull thud, the silence in the room seems heavy as Marcus stares at me.

"Ready?" He whispers, his hands now shoved inside his green hoodie, looking around the room one last time.

The couch now had a green stain on it from the unconscious boy and the single light bulb still hung from the low ceiling.

Marcus took a step towards the window and I followed him, carefully avoiding the puddles of water that dripped in from the rain last night.

Outside the safe, warm basement was a whip of cold, unforgiving air that pulled my hair in different directions.

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