Learning the Truth

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I stood up and brushed off my pants after Pan left. I was angry that he humiliated me and would accuse my family of lying. I needed to get to the bottom of this, I knew Pan was lying, but I needed to hear it from the source, just to be sure.

I walked back to the village and called my mother and father in the tent. I made sure no one else was there, then began my search for answers.

"What's so important honey, we were preparing for your feast?" My father asked with concern. 

"I just need to know something. I was in the forest and was talking to Pan, he said something totally crazy and I need to make sure it isn't true. He said you were using me to defeat him and that you were actually some powerful sorcerer." My father looked apalled.

"You should never believe anything he says. Why don't we go take a walk and talk. I want to make sure all of your questions are answered, but your mother is busy preparing your festivities. So, why don't we go for a walk and let her finish everything for you?" I smiled and nodded since the rumors weren't true. I knew they couldn't be, Pan was the enemy and he was going down tomorrow at dawn.

My mother left the tent and my father and I took a walk in the forest. We were actually pretty far from the village, but it was nice getting to spend some quality time with my dad. When he was satisfied with where we were, he turned to me and glared.

"Why were you talking to Pan?" I was taken back by what he said. I furrowed my eye brows and gave him a confused expression.

"What do you mean? I was walking in the woods and got trapped. He just happened to meet me where I was. Why are you so concerned about it?" 

"You had no business talking to him, what exactly did he say?"

"Just that you weren't really my dad and that you were using me to kill him. Which, judging by this sudden outburst, I'm starting to believe it." 

"Let me explain something to you young lady, you will never speak of this to anyone."

"And why shouldn't I? Are you afraid of what people might think if they heard you getting defensive about something I didn't think would be true at first, but I do now. You kidnapped me and have been using me this whole time, haven't you?" He paused, then got defensive again since I called him out.

"I did it to protect our people."

"Not my people, yours. I don't and have never belonged in your family, but you would sit here and let me believe that I was your child. I can't believe I fell for it, although, in my defense, you did send me away. That's how you tricked me, I never really knew you and didn't have time to figure it out. But don't worry, now I know and I won't be going back with you." He got angry and used some weird power to throw me against a tree. I stood up and defended myself. 

I picked up a chunk of the ground and threw it at him, but he cut it in half with his hand. I stood there in awe and didn't even realize how close he was to me. He grabbed me by the throat and brought me in the air, then pushed me against the tree.

"You belong to me, I am the reason you are so powerful and you will do as I say." I struggled against his strong grip. However, when I was about to black out, I was dropped. I held my throat and took deep gasping breaths. I didn't know what happened, but when I finally caught my breath, I realized my dad was gone. I fell to my knees and cried because I was so overwhelmed. 

When I finally stopped crying I stood up and tried to think of where I would go now. I wiped my eyes and looked around for the first time since we got there. As I was observing everything, I saw Pan standing by where my father was. I jumped back because it startled me.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I know your confused and I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"It was all true and I didn't believe you, I'm so sorry. I had been at the temple so long I didn't actually realize who he was. I only knew him for three short years before he sent me away. I can't believe I almost killed you because I believed him. You were just trying to help me and I didn't listen." I looked at the ground because I didn't want to look at him. 

"It's ok, you know now and that's what's important." 

"Well, I guess we won't be fighting at dawn. Sorry for my rude behavior, you didn't hurt anyone in my village did you?" He shook his head.

"No, I didn't want to mess with your father and start anything." I just realized that he was the one who saved me.

"Wait, your the one who stopped my father from killing me, aren't you? Master Yen did teach you." He nodded.

"I told you."

"So your really supposed to protect me?" He nodded again.

"I'm sorry I was so defensive when you said that about master Yen and not needing protecting, obviously I was wrong."

"I'll tell you what, if you stop apologizing, I'll give you food and a place to stay." I chuckled.

"Thanks, I guess the least I could do is accept your hospitality." He motioned for me to follow him, so I did. When we got to where we were going there were a bunch of other boys there. I waved at them and they waved back. They were actually friendly, though I'm sure they could turn dark in seconds if they had to. 

Pan led me to a tent and let me get settled as he got some food for me. When he returned I accepted the food and offered for him to sit so we could talk. 

"Pan, I'm really thankful your letting me stay here. But what are we going to do about my father?" 

"First of all, you can call me Peter, it's my first name. Second, I have something for you from  Master Yen, but he didn't want me to give it to you until you knew the whole story. When your done eating and I go to bed, you can read it. I already know everything in there." I nodded and accepted the scroll. I put it on my pillow and ate. After a few hours of talking and getting to know some stuff about the real Peter, He left and I opened the scroll. 

In order to defeat the chief, we must come together and fight him as one. We both have powers, mine are light and Peter's are dark. When they come together they are very powerful and are enough to end the dark magic that the chief possesses. After reading the scroll, I was very tired so I went to bed. 

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