A Dinner to Remember

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I followed my father to his ship for dinner and his crew followed me. I was led to Hook's quarters so we could eat and talk.

"This is where I sleep and do most of my work. I thought it would be nice to talk somewhere quiet." I nodded with a smile. One of the crew members brought the food in, then left us alone.

"So, this question has kind of been bothering me since I saw you on the beach. But, what happened with you and mom?" He sighed.

"Well, it's one of those things that just didn't work out. She had a son and whenever we were together people were targeting us. We decided it best to just split up peacefully so we wouldn't be in so much danger."

"Oh, so you still love each other, you just didn't want to see each other hurt?" He nodded.

"Yes, it seemed the best decision at the time, but I still find myself regretting it."

"Well, that's understandable, especially if you still loved her."

"Yeah, but why don't we talk about you. I haven't seen you in twenty years."

"Oh yeah, well I've already mastered every element and found out that my "father" was a powerful sorcerer who wanted to kill me." His eyes widened.

"Hold on, you mean to tell me the chief of the boar tribe is a powerful sorcerer?" I nodded.

"Yep, he sent me away because he wanted me to think Peter Pan was attacking his village. He wanted me to kill Peter Pan because he was one of the chief's biggest threats."

"Oh, well that shows what I know. I thought he seemed nice enough."

"You live and you learn. But, when I found out he tried to kill me and Peter saved me."

"I owe a lot to that young man. I've had a problem with him since you were taken, but that's only because I thought he was the one who took you. I guess our troubles are over now that I know who it really was."

"Yeah, Peter would never do that."

"I'm, sure he wouldn't." He seemed hesitant, but I just ignored his weird attitude as we talked about Peter and ate my dinner. 

Dinner carried on for a few hours and then I decided it was really late so I was going to go back to camp.

"Well, it's getting really late. Thank you for dinner, I appreciate it. But, I think it's about time I got back to camp." 

"Your not going to stay here?"

"No, I live at the camp, why would I stay here?"

"Because I'm your father." I opened the doors to his quarters to leave.

"No, I think I'm going to go back." I turned around and saw his entire crew waiting for me.

"Now I want you to think about what your going to do carefully. If you try and leave, I'm going to have my crew take you below deck. If you stay I will make you a nice room to stay in."

"And what makes you think your crew can restrain me?" He chuckled.

"Because their very powerful as well. You see, these men have powers of their own." It looked like one of the men had super strength and another had the ability to control electricity which would not go over well. I figured eventually Peter would figure out something was wrong.

"Fine, I'll stay. But Peter will be looking for me and he'll figure out what's wrong eventually."

"Don't worry about that, we're setting sail later tonight." 

"Where? I'm not staying so you can kidnap me."

"Darling, it's too late for that." He had two of his men grab me. I screamed really loud for help, but was then taken below deck and restrained. We hadn't set sail yet, but O knew we would soon, so I almost gave up hope that I would be rescued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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