Chapter 28: Do I love him?

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Ashima's POV

Why is he calling me, did they got to know that I'm back here but how can they know about me being here.

I was so involved in my thoughts that the call ended before I could even receive it, to which I was thankful because I don't know what I should say after receiving the call but it started ringing again and this time I decided to receive it, I can't run away from them forever.

"You have to face them, you can do it Ashima" I whispered to myself trying to gather the courage to face the past as I answered the call.

"Vihaan bhai (brother)" I whispered in confusion when I didn't hear anyone from the other side for a while.

"I'm surprised you still have my number saved" he replied, oh god I'm hearing his voice after so many years now I realize how much I have missed my brother.

"So what makes you call me" I asked coming straight to the point as my eyes got moist.

"I just couldn't stop myself from calling you after knowing you are back here and I'm glad you came back" he replied why is he talking so nicely, strange.

" did you know I'm in Seattle" I asked as his reply left me surprised and the only question roaming in my head now is how does he knows this and does the rest of the family knows too.

"Leave that I'll tell you some other time now what I want to say is that I...I'm sorry" he replied with much hesitation and his words again left me surprised.

"For what" I asked in a whisper.

"For being the worst brother ever for turning cold towards you after Ava's death" he replied in a shaky voice "There are so many things I want to apologize for, I..." he continued but trailed off and there was silence for few seconds as I didn't know what to say.

"Can we meet" he asked after a while and I was taken aback by his sudden request, no of course not I can't meet him I'm not ready to face all this now or will ever be.

"No I..." I replied but he interrupted me.

"Please Ashi I know you won't believe me but I have really missed my little sister" he said in a pleading voice.

"Okay I'll meet you tomorrow evening at eight" I replied with a defeated sigh after thinking a while.

"Great so I'll see you at the restaurant which was near your school you remember it right" he asked and I nodded my head in a yes while closing my eyes in order to block the tears from making their way out remember old memories.

"Yeah" I replied realizing that he can't see me nodding "And please don't tell dad that I'm here" I added opening my eyes wide suddenly fearing that he must have told him already.

"Don't worry about that I have not told anybody not even Kunal" he replied and I sighed in relief and quickly hanged up after saying goodbye.

I lied down on my bed and covered my face with my palms, my life was going on so smoothly when I was in India but coming back here changed my life totally again, I have been so confused with my feelings lately and now my brother got to know that I'm back here what will I say to him when he'll ask me that why I ran away.

This is what I was fearing of before coming here, about meeting my family again someday.

"Why did I even came here" I whispered to myself.

It was better if I stayed back in India, then I wouldn't have met Edward again and we wouldn't have become friends and I wouldn't have fallen in love with him and then I didn't had to go through all this and...I stopped dead in my thoughts with my eyes widen as I realized what I was thinking.


Do I love him?

Almost whole night I kept thinking about him and kept denying whatever these feelings are. I tried to sleep as tomorrow I have to go back to work because now my leg is fine and then I have to meet my brother but sleep was far away from my eyes and it was in the midnight when I was finally able to fall asleep.


Edward's POV

"Good Morning sir" Brenda my assistant greeted as I entered my office after nodding my head a little in reply.

"Edward" I said after receiving the call as my phone was ringing, it's Tony the guy I hired to keep an eye on Gary.

"Did you find anything suspicious" I asked while massaging my forehead with my fingers.

"No sir I didn't see anything suspicious yet he's just following a daily routine going to work and then coming back home" he replied and I hanged up after instructing him to do his work properly.

After talking to him I called Brenda in to ask her about my meetings for today.

"Sir you just have two meetings for today and that is with Mr. Sanjay the owner of Mehra Companies at eleven and the next meeting is with the marketing department at three in the afternoon" she explained and after that I dismissed her.

I glanced down at my phone and scrolled through the gallery in search of Ashima's picture which I clicked secretly when she was asleep in the hospital and used it as my phone's wallpaper, I don't know what got into me that day that I couldn't stop myself from capturing her beautiful sleeping face in my phone but now I'm thankful I did because now I can't see her whenever I want because of course she told me to stay away from her, so now this picture will help me.

I will stay away from her for sometime so that she can sort her feelings out, but with just one look in her eyes and I can tell that she loves me too but of course she's just too stubborn to accept it or is there something else stopping her from doing so, whatever it is I won't give up.

"I love you and I'm missing you already" I whispered with a sigh while staring down at her picture with love.


Hey guys,

So I think you must have guessed till now that who this Mr. Sanjay is.

And if you liked this chapter then feel free to vote and do comment your views.

Bye :)

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