Chapter 34: Did we...?

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Ashima's POV

I opened my eyes while groaning in frustration as I felt the bright sun rays hitting directly on my face.

As I set up on my bed and looked around in confusion as I felt the surrounding little unfamiliar, the last thing I remember is meeting Edward in the club but what happened after that and where am I.

My eyes widen as I realized that I'm not in the same clothes in which I went to the club rather I'm just in a shirt which is clearly over sized for me what happened with me last night, panic started to fill in me as I saw a picture hanging on the wall in front of me and of course I can surely recognize the person in's Edward so I'm at his place but how...what happened...oh my god did we slept with eachother...oh no of course not I know Edward won't do anything with me without my concern.

I looked around in search of Edward but he is nowhere to be seen, I tried to step down the bed but as soon as I got up I sat down again because I'm feeling pain all over my body...I'm feeling so tired right now to even stand up.

Did Edward really scoped so low and took advantage of me, if he did so then I'll never be able to forgive him but still my heart is not ready to believe this while my mind is forcing me to believe it.

"I can't believe you can do this Edward I trusted you so much and what you gave me in broke my trust" I whispered as tears streamed down my eyes "You said you loved me so this was your love, let me tell you then what you felt was just lust not you didn't only broke my trust but my heart too" I unknowingly yelled hugging myself while looking at his expressionless face in the picture but mentally imagining him laughing at me for believing that he really loved me.

"I'm so glad I never confessed my love for him" I said to myself wiping my tears away.

What did you say...your love for him so finally you accepted that you love him, my subconscious said suddenly waking up from her sleep and I realized what I said unknowingly.

Okay so now I won't run away from the truth anymore and anyways there's nothing left now, so yes his fake care for me, his fake kindness towards me all the fake drama and at last his fake love for me made me fall for him, made me love him unconditionally without even knowing it.

"I made a mistake by loving you Edward...I made a huge mistake" I whispered while lying down on the bed before drifting off to sleep as all my energy drained out due to crying continuously.

When I woke up again I felt a little  better then before and saw my clothes which I was wearing last night kept on the bed beside me neatly folded I wonder who kept them here because when I woke up before they were not here, but anyways I quickly took the clothes and walked towards a door which I assumed as a bathroom to change.

After changing in my clothes I searched for my purse in the room and found it on the couch and quickly left from there because I don't want to see Edward and thankfully I didn't see him anywhere in the house while leaving, maybe he is now ashamed to face me that's why he left before I could wake up, which confirms his act.

As I was walking down the street I slipped my sunglasses on my eyes not because of the sun rays but because I don't want people to see my tears, my pain and how broken I'm.

I took a cab back to home and during the whole ride the happy, funny, sad moments I shared with him kept flashing in front of my eyes like a movie making me wish I never met him.

As soon as I stepped in my apartment I quickly shut the door and sat leaning against it as now I can't handle the emotional stress anymore and bursted out in tears, this is the reason I never wanted to be in love because I was scared of heartbreak.

After hours of sitting in the same position I walked towards the bathroom and took a long bath and after that I left for work and tried to keep myself busy the whole day.

It's been few days since that night and I didn't heard anything from Edward, I didn't even met him again I don't know where he is, I'm surprised with myself because I still expect him to call me and explain everything to me.

But why would he call me now, maybe he just wanted to break me down and now he has done that so what's the reason for him to call me or come to meet me.

I don't feel like staying here anymore, everything I see here reminds me of Edward and my stupidity of loving him, now it's difficult to live here every day knowing that he lives not so far away from me, knowing that he never loved me but just broke my trust, my heart.

I just want to go away from here leaving everything behind me, maybe I should go back to India because I need a friend which is Pia...a shoulder to cry on.

"Yes it's a good idea I'll go back to India" I whispered and right then I booked flight ticket for myself to India.

But before going back to India I need to meet someone thinking so I dialed Vihaan's number.

"Vihaan bhai (brother)" I said as he received the call on the second ring.

"Ashi were you crying" he asked, maybe anyone can tell by hearing my voice that I have been crying.

"No, I just called you to say that I'm returning back to India and I want to meet you before going back" I replied hoping he won't ask why.

"But why what happened, is anyone giving you some trouble here" he asked.

"Please don't ask anymore questions because I don't want to lie...just meet me tonight at the airport" I replied.

"No I'll come at your place this evening and we'll talk and then if you would still want to return back to India then I'll drop you at the airport" he suggested.

"No, I have made my decision of just meet me tonight but only if you want" I replied.

"Okay" was all he said sadly and I hanged up and texted him my flight timing.

Whatever I'm doing is good for us both, it'll be better if I go away from here...away from him.


Hey guys,

What do you think where is Edward?

Will Ashima leave and their love will remain incomplete?

Anyways do tell me how you felt about this chapter.

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Bye until next time :)

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