Chapter 7

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What should I do? I cannot deal with any fiasco now. I have to do something before it's too late.

I abruptly stopped in front of Zack's office door as he had demanded me to come after our little reunion. I was nervously standing outside his office. He was so mad when he left us. What should I do? Before I could understand what I was doing I slowly curled my fingers and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Although his voice was calm, I knew that he was masking his anger. I slowly opened the door and entered his office.

Dreading every step I came closer. He was sitting at his desk playing with the crystal wedge which was always kept on his desk for decorating purposes. He was so engulfed in it that I think he even didn't acknowledge my presence.

"Sir I--" I started softly but was interrupted by him,

"Did you enjoy it with him?" He asked me calmly. I just looked at him confused. I really couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

"Huh?" I asked with confusion written all over my face.

"Oh sorry! I forgot you were playing your 'I'm so innocent' card" he said with a dry chuckle that contained no humor at all. Shit! Did he find out somehow? Did that bastard tell him? A thousand questions popped up in my head.

"I should have known. The very first day I met you I should've known that you were nothing but a whore!". He exclaimed. Now his calm face was changed into something I couldn't point out.

"Sir I can explai-- wait! What did you just call me?" I asked, hoping that I might've heard it wrong.

"Yes, Emily you heard me right you are nothing but just a whore." I looked at him with a shocked expression, still processing his words in my mind, my mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"What do you think?~ I'm a fool. I've known James for long enough to know what he is like. He doesn't keep female friends. He just keeps sluts and whores. The one who satisfies his needs and you are one of them. How much did he pay you? Huh? Is he good at it? Did you enjoy it with him? Were you also his personal caretaker before you came here? Answer me, Emily!" He shouted at me.

I was busy processing his words that I didn't even realize that he was now standing directly in front of me. I looked up at him into his eyes that were showing rage but I was quite sure that the hate in mine was matching his.

I just can't believe what he was saying. Sure I've been called worse but I've never been called slut and whore. The only two words which I dreaded the most.

"How could you?" I started barely in a whisper, "How could you call me that? Without even letting me speak. How can you judge people without knowing them? Who gave you that right? Huh?. Don't you dare speak now!" I stopped him with my hands when I saw him trying to speak.

"You're right. James tried to get in my pants but I always turned him down. And I asked him to keep his mouth shut~ you know why? For the same reason, what is happening now? I knew you were not any better than him. My parents raised me well enough for me to know that I can never disgrace them by being someone's slut!" I had completely forgotten that I was standing in front of Zack knight for a mission cause he had hit my nerves here.

He was looking down probably ashamed. He now realized that what he said was probably inappropriate. I felt wetness on my cheek and realized that indeed a tear has escaped from my eye. I never in a billion years thought I was left with some. I had already lost them when I lost my parents. I thought my eyes had turned into stone but today it proved me wrong.

"You know what? I don't even think you are worth my tears. I don't care what you have to say about me. I've been ignoring people all my life and you are not any special so fuck you Zack knight! Fuck you!" With that, I turned around to leave his office.

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