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(Kc's p.o.v.)

I woke up that morning with a very sexy Mindfreak curled around me like a blanket...and Hammie was curled up on his back...it was so adorable...but I heard my phone going off from down on the floor still in my purse that was laying on top of my dress...I tried to slide out from under Criss's arm...but when I tried to move...he pulled me back intimately close to him...and snuggled with me...and slightly grumbled telling me not to wake up just yet...that he was comfy...and didn't want to get up...I smiled down at him...then I kissed his nose...and told him that my phone was ringing and I needed to get it...but he shook his head and said NnnnOo...in a slight grumble/yawn...he was so cute...with his messy morning hair. So I let him win just for a little bit longer until my phone went off again.

Criss lifted his arm and let me get my phone...then he slid out of the bed...and walked his sexy naked little ass into the bathroom...I still was entranced by his gorgeous body...so before I answered my phone I whistled at him...giving him a cat call...he gave me a spin then shook his ass at me...I grabbed my phone and answered it...it was Tommy asking me where in the hell I was at...because Mark and Abby left on a serious date...so he could pop the question to her...and he was stuck with the damn dog...and it was driving him nuts...because I wasn't there...then he asked me why I took Loki and not Xristos...I told him that my friend and her boyfriend had Loki...and Mark promised to take care of Xristos for me until I got back...but as I was trying to get dressed...and talk at the same time...I told him that I would be right over to get him...

I dropped my phone back into my bag as I was putting on my shoes...and racing toward the door...Criss was dressed in everything but his shirt...and stopped me and asked me where I was running to in an all-fired hurry...I kissed him and told him that I had to go get my dog...because he was driving Tommy crazy...and Mark was supposed to look after him...but dropped him on Tommy...and Tommy didn't really care for my dogs...he wouldn't hurt them or anything...he just wasn't a dog person...he was a snake, tarantula, and mouse person. Criss grabbed his room key...and told me that he'd go with me...I held his hand as we both went to the elevator...then we raced each other to the exit doors.

It took us twenty minutes to get to the Pilazzo...but we were both just in the walking hand in hand mood...and he said he couldn't get the same pleasure out of driving us over there...as he did walking with me. When we got there Tommy was hollering at Xristos telling him to shut up with all the fucking loud howling...that it was driving him and everyone else on this floor crazy!! I knocked on his door and playfully told him to stop hollering at my baby...Xristos went silent instantly he knew I was there as soon as he caught my scent...and began pawing at the door...and whining...Criss was still holding my hand like it would be dangerous if he let it go.

Tommy opened the door with a cigarette in his mouth...and told straight out...not one word...that my damn dog drove him and Karalea nuts all damn night long...whining and howling...and barking...and scratching at the carpets and the doors...Criss grabbed his cigarette and told him that smoking was bad for him...then Criss put it in his hand and made a fist...then instantly blew on his hand...and when he opened his hand...that cigarette was gone...Xristos ran over Tommy to get to me...I dropped down and loved and rubbed on him and told him that his mommy was sorry for leaving her little man all alone all nite...and that uncle Tommy was being naughty to him...I reached for his leash...and asked him if he wanted to go bye bye with his mama...he sat and spun in a circle which landed right in between my feet waiting for me to hook him up...then he went over to Criss demanding some pets...Criss scratched him and lovingly gave him a few manly pats...then we headed toward the doors to take him to the park...Tommy followed me to the elevator and asked why I didn't come back last night...I told him that I spent the night with Criss...then I added as the door closed...that I was going to do the same thing tonight...then I quickly waved to my loving brother...as we went down in the elevator...

Criss was walking Xristos while holding onto my other hand...when we made it to the park Criss turned him loose...so he could run, play, and do his business. Criss sat down with me on the park bench...and snuggled up to me...and said that he loved me so much...and that I was his Sweet Bess now and forever...I asked him why Bess for my nickname...Criss kissed me and told me the story of Houdini and his wife Bess...when he finished the sweet but sad story of how pure and undying their love was for each other...it brought tears to my eyes...then I wrapped my arms around him...and told him I'd love to be his Bess...but only if he was my Sexy Greek Houdini...he giggled with me as he told me he'd always be mine.

Xristos grew tired of running around and made it back to us...and laid down under our feet...until he sensed his brother close by...then he jumped and ran to where Loki was laying at Klayton's feet...Criss and I raced after him...thinking he was after a rabbit or a squirrel...and didn't want him to get in the road...Criss stopped me when he saw Xristos playing with Loki...while Klayton was kissing on Rachel...we both walked up to them holding hands...and asked them how they were doing...Loki heard me and raced over to me and whined loudly and jumped up wanting his lovin...but when Klayton stood up Loki was right back by his feet...leaning up against him...nudging on his hand...Klayton gave us both hugs and said they were just taking a break...before meeting up with Sully and Sandy for an early dinner...I looked at Criss as I told them that's what we were doing as well...after walking with them to Klayton's place...he offered to let Xristos stay with his brother at his house while we were out...so he wouldn't be alone.

As I followed behind Klayton I changed the subject and asked if anyone knew if Kim found someone...Sandy looked at me and said that she didn't know...but they had just had a fun time with her yesterday evening at Circus Circus...but she didn't say if she was in a relationship or not.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now