Chapter 33

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Chapter 33
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        When we pulled into a random driveway, I looked over at him confused. The house was small yet attractive.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"My house," he said and got out. I got out as well, intrigued.

"Why did you take me here?" I asked.

"I can take you back to your house if you wan-"

"No I'm fine," I cut him off. He grinned in amusement.

As he walked in front of me, I noticed how well the shirt that he was wearing complemented his back muscles.

When he unlocked the door, my breath hitched. I couldn't believe that I was actually going into his house.

I swear to god if I wake up and this was all a dream I might actually murder someone.

As soon as we walked in, the scent of Ashton's subtle, fresh cologne was all around me.

On the left was a living room, on the right was a bathroom, and down the hallway was a kitchen.

Halfway down the hallway were stairs that I assumed led to the bedrooms.

It was decorated simply yet it looked very nice. I had pictured a crappy little shack in my mind, but this house was really nice..

"This place is so nice," I said and smiled.

"Thanks," he said as he continued to walk to the kitchen.

"Jake's at a friends right now," he said as he put his keys down on the table.

I continued to look around at his house. On his fridge was a messy drawing, presumably Jake's. I couldn't exactly make out what it was.

"Did he draw that?" I asked and pointed. He chuckled.

"Yeah," he said. "Don't ask me what it is though. I couldn't tell you," he said as he looked at it with a confused gaze.

It was so cute to see how much happiness and enjoyment Jake brought to Ashton. He seemed like such an amazing older brother.

The next 20 minutes or so was spent by him telling me about Jake, and me silently admiring Ashton.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Ashton looked surprised, and got up. He walked over to the door and opened it.

I heard him greeting someone, and him saying something about someone coming home early. I heard an adult female voice, who seemed very nice, say goodbye to Ashton as he closed the door.

I heard Ashton coming back to the kitchen, along with some lighter, quicker footsteps. I turned around.

"Who is dat?" I heard an adorable voice ask as I saw a little boy who was following closely behind Ashton point at me.

"A friend. Her name is Crystal," he said and smiled.

I smiled and waved at him.

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