Chapter 5//the dark side

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Kyle and I walk to opposite ends of the court and the smirk on his face has sparks of fear running down my spine. But I simply ignore them and straighten my posture returning his smirk with one of my own. We stare at each other for a couple of long seconds, where I could see something resembling desire, deep in the pit of his eyes.

"Ok everyone, let's give it up for the finalists!" The crowd erupts with cheers and shouts.
"We have Kyle..", a chorus of masculine cheers echo through the gym,"and Ella!" She finishes. I was surprised at the thunderous echo of feminine cheers that fills the gym. At least I'm not a total failure...

"Three, two, one. FIGHT!" She yells. I decide to hold my ground and surprise the audience by placing a hand on my hip and smirking at him. Kyle however, starts like a bullet, racing towards me. I use his speed against him and flip into the air as he struggles to stop below me, and gracefully land behind him. I flick my hair over my shoulder and twist my head to look at him, smirking. He is lying in a heap against the wall. I turn around and pretend to yawn and pick my nails as he recovers.

The pity I give him brings roars of laughter from the crowd. The rage on his face is unmistakable and the fear inside me returns. The next few minutes happen in a blur. Within seconds he is a foot away from me and is raising his fist. He punches me straight across my left cheek, and I lock my hands around his neck bringing my knee up to meet his face. That's my favourite move.

We both recover quickly and raise our fists as sweat drips down my forehead. I hurl my fist towards his face but he catches it mid air and twists it behind my back, stepping closer. It takes me a couple of seconds to realise that his body is pressed right up against mine. I can feel his chest vibrating as he laughs at my expression. The moment of vulnerability sends anger flooding through every crevice of my body and I twist, viciously jerking him to one side before kicking him flat in the chest, knocking him back a few steps.

The previous moment of chemistry far behind us, he swings a right hook and I dodge out of the way so that his back is to me. Then I swiftly pull myself onto his shoulders and twist to the side, sending him sprawling on the ground.

He gets up quickly, this time his red eyes blazing like vicious flames and I knew what was about to happen. He rammed me straight on, slamming me into the wall and raising me above the ground, his hand clasped around me neck choking me. I gasped, clawing at his wrist, while he was smirking at me, anticipating my surrender. But if he thought that I was going to let him beat me....

Then he doesn't know me at all.

I let the invisibility flood through me and see the surprise on Kyle's face, causing him to drop me to the ground. I wasted no time in dashing behind him.

Then I release the invisibility from my body and appear behind him.

"What's wrong? Coyote got your tongue?" I ask, smirking. Then using my telekinesis, I lift him up against the wall, choking him. His hands claw at thin air trying to escape. I could see the veins in his neck bulging and the struggle on his face. It brought me pleasure.

Then I hear Saskia's yelling snap me out of it.

"Ella! Stop, you'll kill him!".

Her desperate voice snaps me out of my daze and i drop Kyle to the ground, where he rolls onto his side and coughs violently. Stepping back, eyes wide, I look back at the bleachers and see that everyone is staring at me in shock. I feel tears dripping down my face and shifting, I run straight into the woods.

Out here everything is quiet. I'm all alone. Unfortunately this leaves me reliving my fight with Kyle....

What have I done?!

I loved the fight scene!!! Comment on what you thought.

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