Chapter 22//Finding normal

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This chapter is gonna be a bit short but only cause I have to figure out how to use Adobe Illustrator by tomorrow and you tube is being of no help whatsoever!! *she kicks a chair over and sends another hate email to someone random.

But anyway I'm just gonna continue from where we left off. I'm soooooo excited. I was dreaming about Kyle last night I'm not even f^cking kidding. I think I'm gonna keep it in his POV for a little while since it's really fun writing about his soft side. But anyways, here is this short chapter that will probably be shitty.

Kyle's POV

For once in my life I actually feel happy. I'm not dreading the day before it begins. I'm not looking for an excuse to stay at home in bed with netflix to keep me company. No. I'm welcoming the day with open arms, since I know that when I wake up, she will be beside me.

As i had expected, when my eyelids drift open to the blinding light of the early morning, I can feel her snuggled up in the circle of my arms. She looks even more angelic when she sleeps, and not just because she isn't hiding behind her crossed arms and stubborn expression that I have come to love, but also because it is when she is at her most vulnerable. She looks so peaceful and reminds me of a young child clinging to their stuffed animal. But now that I think about it I wouldn't define myself as a stuffed bear.

I quickly look down to check that I didn't gain like 50 kilos over night and sigh in relief as I am met by my normally toned body. I've never really had to feel that self conscious about myself, but sometimes I am nervous around the topic of my weight. Sure it looks as though I work out a lot and live off of green juices and those crap commercials about staying healthy, but I don't. I live off of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, cookie dough and pizza. With the occasional piece of fruit when someone important is around. Yet, Ella never seems to judge.

I have a feeling that that is one of the reasons why we are perfect for one another. We don't really care what others think of us and neither of us could give a rats ass about how much crap we eat. A slight laugh escapes my dry lips as I think back to all the times I had seen Ella cuddled up in front of the TV with a bucket of ice cream or a bag of lollies. I remember all the times I would sit outside her dorm room window watching her. I remember watching her laugh at something stupid that Jimmy Fallen said or one of Sheldon's icon science jokes on the Big Bang Theory.

I remember the look of joy in her eyes as she let all of those walls she once had around her, tumble to the ground in a heap. I secretly treasure moments like that one, similar to this one, because I get a glimpse at the broken little girl inside her tough exterior. I mean don't get me wrong, I love how tough she is, but I love the girl underneath even more.

A groaning noise grasps my attention. I turn to see Ella beginning to stir from her slumber, her hands balling the front of my shirt in fists. She slowly opens her eyes to look at me and I swear that the second they notice me a bright spark lights deep in her orbs.

"Morning." She mutters as she stretches beneath my arms.

"Morning Ella".

"So. Where are we going today?".

"Well I'm planning to find a way out of this hellish forest but besides that I'm just thinking of sleeping in", I respond sarcastically.

She laughs lightly and snuggles further into my arms.

"You ok?" I ask.

"Yup just trying to recover from coming back from the dead. How 'bout you?".

I laugh at her joking attitude of what happened.

"Come on we have to get up otherwise it won't be me waking us up, it will be my pissed off beta".

Yesterday I had introduced her to my beta, Luke. He's 2 months younger than me and is still quite strong headed and stubborn, a lot like Ella. As soon as they met I could tell that their similar attitudes would clash. They had looked at each other like two predators and I remember feeling like the prey.

So to prevent any further clashes I thought it would be better to seperate them for a while.

She groans, "yeah you're right. I wouldn't want that asswipe interrupting my beauty sleep now would I?".

She slides out of my arms and pushes herself onto her elbows.

"But you aren't sleeping anymore."

"He doesn't need to know that."

I laugh at her one last time before we both get up and go our seperate ways. I watch in agony as she retreats further into the woods to bathe as I walk towards the rest of my pack.

There standing with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face is Luke.

"Hey Kyle. So how's the lover's lifestyle going?", he asks, chuckling under his breath.

Luke is a few inches shorter than me with light brown hair and Atlantic blue eyes. He is quite attractive and has had many girlfriends. There have been multiple occasions when I have walked in on him with a girl, and let's just say he has a lot of fun in his spare time.

Yet, we have always had a brother like bond and he is always the one I turn to when I'm feeling slightly depressed or in need of a boys therapy session.

"Shut up Luke. What would you know?".

"No you're right I don't have a mate," he says putting his hands up in his defence, "but I do know you".

"You like to think you do."

He chuckles lightly taking a step towards me and placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I do know you and I know when you're happy. Plus, even though I hate your girlfriend-"


"Sorry. Even though I have a strong dislike for our lovely Ella back there, I can tell that she makes you a better person."

I can't help but smile at this. She does make me a better person doesn't she.

"Thanks Luke."

He smiles back at me.

"Anytime bro."

Suddenly, his gaze slips to something behind me and the smile drops from his face.

"Speak of the devil."

Ella appears by my side and glares at my beta.

"Luke", she huffs.

"Ella" he huffs back.

They continue to scowl at one another for the next few seconds that seem to last a millennium.

"Ok, let's take it easy you two."

Sighing in defeat Ella releases her gaze from Luke's and turns to face me.

"So. We should probably get going."

I nod in agreement.

Then, gathering my pack, Ella and I lead them onto the slightly less treacherous path of the woods.

I'm soooooo sorry. I finished this yesterday but I forgot to publish it so I just now realised it. The next chapter is 4 days from now, I hope you can wait. Plus, I'm not giving any spoilers but they won't make it out of the woods without some more action I'll tell you that....


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