Act V

240 22 16




Jake, Nog and Quark are trapped in the corridor with two force fields. A few Cardassian guards approach them, two from the front and one from the back, each pointing a disruptor at them. The three look very scared by the situation. One of the guards approach the force field and disables it by pressing a button. As the guards approach to apprehend them, the SCREEN WHITES OUT. Once resumed, Tarquel is in the corridor, it is the Tarquel from Sisko's time frame. He is holding a phaser, and he shoots one of the guards stunning him, while he approaches and struggles with another guard. Tarquel and the guard exchange several punches and Tarquel then finishes him off. Jake, Nog and Quark are occupied by the remaining guard as the three of them use all their force to overcome him, comically. The situation is then finally under control.

JAKE (surprised)

Tarquel, how did you get here?


Your father sent me here and...

QUARK (to all)

Come on, let's go before more guards show up.

TARQUEL (continuing, to Jake)

I have come to take you home...


I don't understand, what do you mean?


There's no time to explain, tell your father... I'm not going back. My people need me here, I have a war to fight.

Jake reveals a sign of understanding, and smiles. Quark still looks worried and wants to get moving.

TARQUEL (continuing)

...and tell your father that I'm sorry if I caused any trouble on the station... I'm truly thankful that he placed his trust in me.


But before we go back, there's one thing we have to do.


TARQUEL - PAST, followed by several Cardassian GUARDS holding disruptor rifles, they ENTER. Tarquel - Past is held by the guards by handcuffs. The last of the guards appears to be the executioner, who is a dark hooded figure, wearing a long robe.

As they EXIT, we MOVE to reveal TARQUEL from the present time frame (from this point referred to as TARQUEL), who has been hiding in the shadow.


There is a platform set up on the promenade and it has attracted a large crowd. As TARQUEL - PAST and the GUARDS ENTER, the crowd cheers loudly. The guards lead him onto the platform, which was meant as a stage for the execution. The hooded executioner pushes TARQUEL - PAST into the center of the stage and is forced to kneel in front of the crowd. We MOVE and reveal JAKE and NOG in the crowd of people. One of the GUARDS walk up to the front of the stage with a computer pad.

GUARD (off the computer)

By order of the Cardassian Military, Brim Tarquel is to be executed by means of disruptor fire as an example for all those who have chosen to stand against us.

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