Doing the Right Thing? Part 2

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You had finally gotten over Scott and are hooking up with someone new, Theo Raeken. When Stiles first found out he flipped. He gave you lecture after lecture on why Theo was a bad guy. But you knew Stiles had no proof and Theo's just a hookup buddy. You learned to realize Stiles would not stop his endlessly lecturing and to just get used to it. With Theo there was no pressure because it wasn't serious which you liked. It was new to you and a lot of fun. The only problem is Stiles spilled the beans to Scott. Who is now heartbroken and filled with regret. Instead of keeping you safe from the supernatural he lead you right to a different wolf. One that Stiles hates. He hadn't made up his mind just yet about Theo. He had no reason to not trust him but also none to trust him. To make matters worse he saw you and Theo making out at your locker this morning and almost wolfed out. Luckily he calmed himself down before anyone noticed or he attacked Theo.

"Do you think she knows?" asks Scott as he watches you and Theo flirt as he leans against the locker next to Stiles's

"Knows what?" questions Stiles

"About werewolves." answers Scott

"If she does, he hasn't told her about the pack. She would instantly ask me a million questions." says Stiles

"I can't believe I purposefully lost the love of my life to save her from the supernatural world and then she starts dating another werewolf." says Scott a bit annoyed

"I guess you could say she has a type." jokes Stiles making Scott glare at him annoyed

"Okay...maybe you should just talk to her." says Stiles as Scott and him walk to class

"No way, she hates me." says Scott

"Maybe if you explain everything to her she'll take you back." says Stiles as they take their sits

"I mean either Theo will end up telling her about werewolves or she can hear explain everything and possibly take you." says Stiles but before Scott could reply Coach starts teaching

Scott watches you from behind a bookshelf after school trying to build up enough courage to talk to you.

Okay you can do this. You need to do this. Scott thinks as he finally emerges from behind the bookshelf

"Hey, um, can we talk?" asks Scott as he sits down across from you

You look up with visible confusion in your eyes wondering what he could possibly want.

"Um, sure, I guess." You say

"Look it's about Theo. He's not what you think he is." says Scott making you Scott

"And you were perfect?" You say annoyed

"No, I mean. He has a secret that I have in common with him." says Scott grabbing your attention

"What secret?" You ask

"Well, um, I'm kind of a werewolf and so is Theo." answers Scott worried how you would take it

You stare at him in disbelief that he would make up something so obviously fake.

"Do you think this is funny?" You ask

"No I don't think any of this is funny, I'm being serious." says Scott shaking his head

"Scott, werewolves aren't real I-" You start but then you notice Scott has red eye

"You, your eyes." You say a bit freaked out

"Part of being a werewolf." says Scott

You sit there a second letting all this new found information set in.

"So you're a werewolf? And Theo's a werewolf?" You question and Scott nods

"Why didn't I know about this sooner?" You ask making Scott sigh

"Because I was trying to protect you. Being around me and the others puts you in danger. I would rather you be alive without me then you dead because of me." answers Scott

"So is that why you cheated on me with Allison?" You ask

"Yeah. I thought that if you hated me it would be easier for me to stay away from you and you from me. Which now I understand was a mistake." says Scott and your face stay blank

Suddenly with some kind of burst of confidence, Scott grabs your hand from across the table.

"Look Y/N I don't expect you to forgive me. But I have to tell you that I still love you. That cheating on you was a mistake and I deeply regret it. I still want to be with a you and I know your with Theo now but-" starts Scott but you cut him off by kissing him

You and Scott both pull back smiling at each.

"Theo and I are just flirty friends with benefits nothing more. To be honest I think he has a thing for Malia. We never were serious." You say

"So will you take me back?" asks Scott about worried

"Hmmm, I think I could do that." You say making Scott fill with happiness

"I was hoping you would say that." says Scott before kissing you again


Since I got a lot of comments for a second part, here's part 2. Today's the day! I'm honestly counting down the hours for episode 1! Just in case you guys are new to the fandom and don't know the times; 7:30 if you want to watch TW Top Ten and 8:00 if you just want to watch season 6B episode 1. At least that's the times for me I believe my time zone is Eastern Time Zone so if you leave somewhere different that will obviously affect the time. I am honestly so hype for the episode tonight. Like can someone invent a time machine so we can all skip to tonight?

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