58: The Smiths

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Ian told me that his parents live a little more upstate, about thirty minutes away from the city lines.  So the ride was going to be a good hour and a half at least. 

But for me, the ride felt longer.  Although I'm sitting up in the front, Carly and Ian kept going at it in conversation.  They just had something to say for every little thing they saw or heard. 

I'm pretty sure Ian and I don't even talk this much.  Which is really saying something. 

But as we pull into a long, paved driveway, all thoughts about Ian and Carly vanishes from my mind.  I'm more focused on how big the Smith's house is. 

A large brick house came into view with so many tall windows that it makes you wonder how they even get privacy.  But that wasn't the most amazing thing out here. 

There was a white ceramic tiled water fountain in the center of the driveway with miniature waterfalls falling from every direction and a large spout of water from the top.  At the base of the fountain were white daisies and red carnations planted in the ground.  It was absolutely beautiful. 

Ian presses a button on his mirror and the side garage-which looks like the size of a normal house-opens up on command. 

He parks his car next to a white Astin Martin as I sit here in awe at all of the fancy cars in this garage. 

I spot a familiar black Maserati parked and notice other fancy cars.  Such as a Jaguar, a Porsche, and even a Ferrari.  The most basic car that's even in here is a Volkswagen Jetta.  And even that looks more expensive than my little Cooper. 

"We are here."  Ian comments as he opens his door to get out. 

I get out as well as Carly follows suit.  We walk out of the massive garage as Ian presses a button on his car keys that makes the doors slide down. 

"So Carly, my whole family will be here.  Brothers, sister and parents."  Ian mentions as we walk up the smooth concrete steps. 

"Sounds like a full house."  She says as she stands next to me. 

He looks at her and quirks a brow up.  "Oh it is." 

Ian unlocks the double doors that look like it's made from Chestnut wood and opens it wide, letting Carly and I in first. 

It looks absolutely beautiful in here.  The foyer was lavish with marble flooring and a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling.  The walls were painted light colors in this house to give it a bright look. 

"Mom, I'm home!"  Ian calls out as he takes our jackets off and hangs them up on a rack next to the door. 

I hear heels clicking as they make their way down the hall.  A short woman soon appears.  She has the most beautiful tan skin I've ever seen and gorgeous long dark hair that is pulled into a ponytail.  Everything about her was beautiful.  Her heart shaped face and her dark green eyes.   I couldn't help but smile at the apron she's wearing that reads: Mama's kitchen over her navy blue silk dress. 

She smiles as she opens her arms out wide to hug her son.  "Oh my baby's home!"  She breathes as she gives Ian a tight squeeze.  She has a slight accent to her.  Spanish?  Italian maybe?

He hugs her back as I notice how short she is.  Her head barely reaches Ian's neck as he has to slightly bend down to embrace her.  But I find her short stature another beautiful trait about her.

"So who are these two beautiful women you brought with you?"  She asks, once they pull away. 

Her eyes land on me with the most warmth I've ever seen on anyone.  And I realize that maybe that's where Ian gets his warm eyes from. 

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