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'' Daddy! Papa! It's time for school. Get up!'' A small body kept bobbing up and down on the bed bouncing with excitement that Papa and I weren't fond of at 6am.

''He's your pup.'' Tatum rolled over, his big shoulder in perfect alignment with my hand that smacked down on the shirtless, tanned skin.

''Get up old man.'' He growled at my teasing before whipping around, only to come face to face with an angry red-faced 6-year-old.

''Don't you growl at Daddy, Papa! You knew it was my first day today so it's time to get up!'' Vinny put his hands on his hips before tutting and jumping off the bed, satisfied that we were now awake before he whispered ''old fart'' and ran squealing away as Tatum chased him out of our room and into his own.

I snorted at the play growling and squeals before getting out of bed and yawning into the spring morning air, taking in the enticing scent of flowers from outside the den.

After months of convincing from Alic, we had moved into the Alpha's quarters. It was hard on Tatum at first and it still is now every so often, but Vinny and I keep him busy along with the never ending pack business he has to attend to. We barely get a moment of us around all the paperwork and training.

I was frustrated. My body was frustrated as it stood to attention as I walked around the bedroom going through the dresser and wardrobe for appropriate clothes.

''This is why you aren't getting any.'' Charlie looked horrified as he glared at the turtlenecks in an array of colours hanging in my wardrobe.

''Oh, shut it.'' I rolled my eyes and threw my chosen baby blue long sleeved shirt at his head, thankful I had time to pull black jeans on before he rudely entered without knocking, as usual.

''Seriously, what is this atrocity?'' he went to open my wardrobe again but I slammed it shut. ''I'm genuinely concerned for your other little boy.'' He pointed to my boner as I blushed madly and shoved him out of the way to leave for the kitchen.

'''Pancakes?'' I yelled towards the newly installed door to Vinny's room.

Doors and kitchens attached to certain rooms were something we thankfully adopted from my modern pack, though we still had pack dinners multiple nights of the week.

A chorus of yeses came from different areas around me. Two from behind the door, Charlie behind me, Dustin walking in through my 'front door' entering to our living room with two comfy navy blue couches where the last one came from Alic who was napping on one.

I shook my head as I pulled all the ingredients, bowls and mixing spoons from the white cupboards, placing them on the black marble counter tops that complimented the polished stone floors.

After cooking for the pack using ingredients other than raw buck that they had hunted, they fell in love. Some enjoyed it more than others but we never forced anyone to adopt anything 'modern'. The pack was still very much a traditional pack in many ways, just a few families grew to like the idea of a kitchen, or doors to have some proper privacy over a hanging curtain. I had also assimilated into the traditional lifestyle and go on many hunts with the pack and my husband.

I turned the silver ring on my finger, a smile creeping onto my face as I washed my hands and went about fluttering around the kitchen as the boys all poured into the living room to watch, fascinated by it.

Tatum's hands found my hips and his breath hit my neck like a warm fan as I poured the batter into the frying pan. His wolf was becoming more friendly these past few days as my heat was setting in, but due to our ever busy household, he had to fight back his urges. Though when my heat hit, he wouldn't be able to anymore. Last time he almost took me in the middle of the throne room during a meeting before locking us away in our room for three days.

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