Chapter Eighteen: There's trouble, and we run

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Chapter Eighteen: There's trouble, and we run

I made sure to call my parents every night until I was back home. Our summer abandonment was only for a week and then they had to go back to the cabin to face any punishment for leaving camp without the consent of camp counselor head. I was feeling bad about it but they assured me that whatever happened in the camp, it wouldn't be that big and hard. They knew how Mr. Donald react on this kind of things.

Mom and dad were still not comfortable of me being far away. I told them that I was always feeling the irrational beating of my heart but that was just a normal thing. They wanted to know where we were staying but I was sure they would just go and pick me up.

Gustav was back at the camp; thank God. I couldn't do anything with him around. He liked me, I knew that, but I wasn't so sure of what I was feeling towards him.

Keith had a conversation with Juno last night and Mr. Donald was apparently looking for them already. Their parents were notified of their escapade and any day, they would be there to have a meeting with him.

They all just rolled their eyes at that news.

"So, we still have to make that biggest prank, huh," Ellie commented after a long silence on a summer afternoon.

"Yeah, I still want to, but the mural was out of the lists now. We had to think of something else and I don't want it to be hidden anymore. I think I've learned my lesson after that mural breakout.

Apparently, the mural was posted online and was showed in a TV news. The credit was given to the one who painted the cross mark on it because it had a name. That's one thing I always forget whenever finishing a painting. I always forget to put my name or even just my initial to protect the copyright of it. I didn't bother contacting the guy anymore. He could have that mural for all he wanted. What I wanted to happen now was to make the biggest prank that everyone would know that I was the one who did it.

The trademark was very important to me that's why I was known in school, because I always let them know that it was me who did it and not someone else.

"So what do you have in mind?" Yuan asked.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure about this one yet. There's the tissue throwing, the egg battle and a lot more boring ones. I want something huge. Like everyone would get involve and even though we're targeting this to be a prank, I want everyone to enjoy it and say 'Riley Flynn is the responsible one for our fun'. That will be sick for sure," I said. "Not that I'm not giving any credit from you, guys."

They all chuckled. "Don't worry, Riley. We're only here to help you out. We don't need the credit. It's all you, really," Donna said with a smile.

"And beside, my mom is going to flip once she finds out I'm doing something like this. So, no, thank you for the credit," Alberta said, shaking her head.

"Thank you," I said.

"The thank yous should wait until we have made the biggest prank. Now, we have to plan. What do you think we should do?" Yuan asked.

"If you want everyone to get involve and have fun, it has to be out in the open and everyone should know about it beforehand. But we are not going to tell them it's a prank... but then again, how would it be a prank?" Donna asked, a little confused.

"I had no idea as well on how am I going to think about that," I groaned internally.

"What about a zombie run? You know, we ask people for some help and be our zombie and then they would hide somewhere. After pointing some people on that somewhere, wherever that somewhere is, the zombies would come out and freak out everyone and they would all run!" Keith suggested excitedly.

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