Life of Faye

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Hey Y'all! I know y'all probably hate these chapters where authors promote their other books - I know I do - so I will make this short.

I just published a new book called Life of Faye, and I would really really appreciate it if y'all would just check it out!

Life of Faye
Faye Fisher has lived a lot of years. Faye's parents got divorced when she was young. Her childhood was full of ups and downs, when she actually looked away from her painting long enough to realize it. She grew up, she left home and learned a whole new set of ups and downs. Faye has been through love and heartbreak, she's been through success and failure. Through it all, she's learned that this crazy thing called life has more ups and downs than she can count but she wouldn't trade it for anything.

Unloved, Married and Pregnant... at 18???حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن