Vampire Guardian: Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10.

Pleaser - Wallows

The next morning I had the energy to roll out of bed and get ready for the two classes I have. Today, Tuesday is the only day when I have double classes back to back.

It's annoying because when I was new at the Campus I would race across the area to get from one class to the other. Now I calmed myself and took my time because people passing me would stare as I ran.

I put on a pair of jean shorts and a long sleeve shirt because it's chilly sitting in class. They always have the AC cranking and I hate it. It's April not August.

Sitting in class, surrounded by sixty other students isn't fun. I couldn't concentrate as I rested my hand in the palm of my hand and watched my professor talk and talk and talk. His mouth was moving but the words weren't going in my head.

My notebook was empty and my pen was still. He flipped from slide to slide on the protector screen but I wasn't able to catch up and write. I wasn't able to do anything.

My thoughts were on other things. Peter. My dad. The way he held him off the ground and choked him until he almost stopped breathing.

I tried to pull Peter off him but he would push me away. His strength was unbelievable, although he has muscles, I didn't think he was able to lift up a big grown man.

He wanted my dad to feel pain I saw it in his eyes. He stared him down until he almost fell unconscious. He literally made my dad run away from the house.

On the other note, he caressed me. Peter made sure I was okay after my dad hit me. There was sadness in his eyes when I looked at him. I don't know why but Peter wouldn't look at me. He stared at the ground like he was in deep thought about something.

I blink a couple of times when the whole class uproars in voices and exit the room. I take a deep breath before closing my books and stuffing them in my backpack. I end up being the last person in the large room full of desks.

"Ms. Quinn?" I turn and look down at my professor sitting at his desk. He gestures for me to come to him so I do. I push my hair out of my face and I glance down at him.

"Yes?" I clear my throat.

"I was watching you during my lecture and you weren't paying attention."

"I know I'm sorry a lot has been happening." I want to make it sweet and short so I can leave. "Won't happen again."

"I heard what happen to you over the weekend. Hope everything is okay. You know, underage drinking leads to reckless mistakes." I grow embarrassed and I nod my head.

"You're right and I was stupid for drinking."

"It's for your safety."

"It sure is, won't do it again, thanks." He stares at me for a moment before going through a folder.

"I have night sessions on Wednesday's for students that are having problems in class. It's free don't worry I'm doing it in my own hands. Maybe you should come sometime." I take the flyer from his hand and I fold it in half.

"Thank you I really appreciate it." He closes his folder and stands from sitting.

"You may be dismissed. Think about it and there's no assignments to do at home for tonight."

"Have a good day." I politely say before exiting the room. I go through the halls before leaving the building.


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