Chapter 18

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I was planning on doing a lot last week but then Irma hit. I live on the West coast of Florida and I had to evacuate. I had no wifi and it was so sad.

^ I wrote that right after I got back from the hurricane but I didn't have time to finish writing this and I kind of forgot to update. I'm so sorry guys.

^Blaire's wolf above

Malia's POV
As Winter turned to Spring the snow melted and the frozen Earth thawed. During the weeks that led to the change in the seasons, I spent more and more of my time inside. I was either enjoying the comforting silence in my room or watching movies with Blaire and Casper in the living room. I've explored more of the pack house while everyone was away and while Alpha was working in his office or traveling to Alpha Ryland's pack. Their rouge problem was getting worse and they were starting to head towards our territory. They haven't attacked anyone yet but they were becoming a bother and were chasing away all the prey.

I was debating on staying or leaving my safe haven when I heard small foot steps and a sniffle outside my door. As I opened it, I was met with a little girl with blonde hair and big, blue eyes that were filled with tears. She could be more than five or six years old. Her cheeks were tear stained and the underneath of her nose was rubbed red. She reminded me so much of my younger self. I kneeled down so I was eye level with her and tucked he hair behind her ear.

 I kneeled down so I was eye level with her and tucked he hair behind her ear

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"What's wrong, Sweetheart?" I asked. She sniffles again and wiped away another crocodile tear.

"The big meanies took my dolly away. When I tired to scare them they laughed and called me a baby."

That's how I got in this mess. I am currently out in the middle of the woods looking for three kids. I went downstairs to find the boys with her toy doll while she held my hand, crying the whole way down the steps. As soon as the boys got a look of the girl and I, the took off through the back door, the doll in their hands. The little girl pulled her hand from mine and took after them, as I did all three of them. The boys must have headed for the woods because all I saw was a flash of blonde hair through a bush that bordered the forest.

As I ran deeper into the shrubbery and trees, their scent trail was covered by the smell of wet dog and sewage; rouges. My heart dropped to my stomach, just thinking about three defenseless kids in the middle of the woods with rouges made me sick to my stomach. I quickly ran after them.

I saw the rouges first. There were six of them, all positioned in a semicircle. The child were crouched on the ground, hugging each other, cowering behind a single brown she wolf. It was Blaire. She had already killed two rouges and one of the boys were injured, blood coming from is head and arm. They had to get out of here.

Orion's POV
I was sitting in my office , stacks of paper crowded my desk. I had a ton of paper work to do but I couldn't push myself to do it. My wolf was driving me mad. He was restless, clawing in my head and whining. I tried pushing him further back into my head and ignoring him but he kept creeping forward again. As soon as my office door slammed open, an awful feeling swept over me. My stomach dropped, my heart crept into my throat, ice ran through my veins and I could feel my face turn stark white. Fear swept over me, an emotion I have not felt in years. Something was wrong, my wolf and I knew it.

Blaire stood in the doorway. Hair was disheveled, face and body smeared with blood and dirt. She was panting and stark white, staring wide eyed like she had seen a ghost. I dreaded to hear the words that came out of her mouth before one was even uttered.

"I'm so sorry." She choked out. Tears started pouring down her cheeks and she began to sob. "I tried, I tried to help but I couldn't." I was sitting there in terror. "I tried...but she....and then..she made me..." She couldn't complete her thoughts or sentences. She covered her face with her hands and she bawled. Her shoulders shook as she hiccuped and wailed.

I swallowed hard, feeling as if a frog was in my throat. "What? What happened?" I tried to talk as smoothly as possible but fear was easily detected in my voice. I've never felt this before. She slowly uncovered her face and looked up but she wouldn't meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I'm so, so sorry." She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. "She tried to protect me." A single tear ran down her cheek as she finally met my eyes.

"It's Malia."

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