Goodbyes -chap 2-

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This is the second chapter...votes and comments are much appreciated...thanks for reading...tell me if u like it...

Chapter 2

I waited in the parking lot for Matt by the truck. I had already talked to Rick and Joe - the two police officers - and they seemed more than happy to give us a lift to the police station.

"Hey Joyce, what's up?" I turned around to find Zac smiling pleasantly at me - maybe a bit too pleasantly it seems. "Oh, yeah. Hi Zac, how was your day?" I felt a little obligated to return his kindness; hardly anyone talked to me anymore. Anyone but Zac Carlson - good old Zac - never ceased to show interest in how I was feeling or what I was up to. Zac had short brown hair - almost a buzz - and deep blue eyes. "So, where's Matt? I need the truck's keys; you see, I'm supposed to take it back to your house" he said cheerfully; as if returning the truck was a great honor bestowed upon him. "Oh yeah, I know. He's still not here; I wonder what's taking him so long," I thoughtfully mumbled the last part.

I glanced at the school's main doors and then back at Zac- he was leaning next to me against the truck. I gazed at his face, perplexed. Was this really the first time I've actually realized how good looking he is? Or was it just the angle I am look at him from? He suddenly looked up, self-conscious, when I noticed that he had a slight blush across his cheekbones. Something told me it wasn't because of the sun or the heat. He inched a little closer to me and I tensed up, he didn't notice my reaction and came even closer- so close that his shoulder could almost touch mine. That was when I moved away from the truck and held up a hand. "Please Zac, keep your distance," I pleaded with a small voice. "Why? I've known you since almost a year and the past four months you've been acting so weird. You're always alone, you don't like anybody near you- let alone touching you," he suddenly snapped and then continued a bit calmer "What happened? I thought you liked me". "I do like you Zac, but not in the way...I just can't...It's just better if you keep your distance," I told him earnestly "We are leaving anyway so..." I let my voice trail into silence. He looked at me with hurt and confusion in his eyes, I hate doing this to him.

At that moment, I heard Matt's voice behind me, saving me. "Sorry I'm late, you guys. I was just saying goodbye to some friends. Speaking of friends..." He stated before pulling Zac into a hug. "I sure will miss you, man. Promise I'll try to visit," he said as he fished the keys out of his pocket. "Same here, man. Don't forget to call," was Zac's reply. They made goodbyes look so easy; Wham-Bam-Thank you Ma'am. "Goodbye Joyce," he said looking at me, the sadness in his voice was unmistakable. I forced a smile as I said "Goodbye Zac. Don't forget about me now, okay?" That seemed to do the job and he quickly returned my smile. We both waved as Zac drove the truck out of the school's parking lot and into the street.

"Let's go find out what Adams wants," said Matt as he got into the black Ford. I was right behind him, only too eager to reach the station. "Hey Matt, How was your last day?" asked Joe, at the same time turning the ignition on. "Great. Thanks for asking," answered Matt while looking out of the tinted window. Joe turned to me and looked at me with a polite smile through the barred separator. "How about you, Joyce?" he asked. "Umm. Yeah it was great, too. I said goodbye to all my friends and teachers," I lied, I don't think he bought it; he is a cop after all. I heard Matt's humorless chuckle from next to me in the back seat. Joe gave a low 'Mhmm' and made his way out of the now empty parking lot.

I always liked Rick more than Joe; Joe was too talkative and always had this need to fill silence with frivolous small talk. Rick was a bit chubby; he had brown hair - that was graying - and deep brown eyes. Although Joe was the better good looking one, Rick seemed more interesting; he always had that deep-in-thought look on his face.

The ride to the police station lasted twenty minutes. Joe waved to us as he said "Goodbye kids." I saw a small smile forming on Rick's thin lips as he nodded to both of us "Take care, got that?" he said to both of us but he looked only at me. It was the first time I saw him smile. "Will do. Bye Rick, Bye Joe" Matt said as he grabbed my hand and tugged me along into the police station. I waved Goodbye to the officers as I was being pulled.

The police station smelled funny, cigarette smoke formed a layer of fog right under the ceiling and I coughed a couple of times. I tried to subtly remove my hand from Matt's grasp; pretending to scratch my nose. He just walked to the direction of Detective Adams office; we already knew the way.

Matt knocked on the door of Adams' office and a low "Come in," was heard. We entered the small office and sat on the two chairs in front of the Adams' desk - which was covered with papers and cardboard-covered files. Detective Adams was a short, balding fellow with thick round glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. "Ah good afternoon, Mr. Whyte. Ms. Whyte," he greeted courteously. Matt gave a little grunt and said "I already told you, you could call me Matt. Mr. Whyte is too formal; makes me sound like some old grandpa."

"As you wish. Now I called you here to tell you some news. I've heard that Santiago and his gang are monitoring the flight schedules. For that reason you can't fly to Delton's Church tomorrow," Detective Adams talked in a formal and calm way. "So, now what? We'll just drive to Delton?" questioned Matt. Adams pursed his lips; obviously, he was about to give us the solution before Matt interrupted. "Yes, but you will be provided with protection. You will have to travel separately, however. But you will not be alone-" said Adams before Matt interrupted.

"Are you serious? I won't leave Joyce. You can forget it."Matt stated with a bit more force than necessary. I definitely didn't like the idea of us without each other. It may seem that Matt takes care of me but I was the responsible one in our little family. "Matt, listen to what he has to say okay?" I said to him and then looked at Adams before continuing "What do you mean by protection?"I asked. He opened the second drawer, took out a small piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at the paper and it read an address.

"Go to that address in the morning; ask for Kane and they will provide with the protection you need to get to Delton's Church," he said slowly; making sure I understood "I know you do not want to leave each other's side but it's of the greatest importance. Santiago is monitoring all the main roads and airports looking for you. Just go to where I told you to and you will understand everything. Goodbye and take good care." I couldn't stop myself this time from shivering like I had at first when he said his name. That was our cue to leave and we both stood up at the same time. I muttered a low 'goodbye' on my way out and put the piece of paper in my back pocket.

We silently made our way out of the station. "Are you Mr. Whyte?" asked a tall african-american man with a polite smile. "Yes, I am," answered Matt. "Oh, good then. I'm Officer Dan, I was assigned to take you to your house," Dan said, as he showed us his badge, but it came out more like a question than a statement. Matt answered him "Oh okay then." We followed him to another black Ford and it also had tinted windows. I sat in the back seat and Matt sat shotgun. Thankfully, Dan stayed quiet the whole ride home, except for the 'bye' he shouted at us as we made our way to the front door.

I made dinner - it was lasagna - and we were both eating in the yellow tile-covered kitchen.

"So, I think we will really like this Delton's Church town. Adams said it's a great place for us; boring and uneventful," was Matt's attempt at starting a conversation. I started eating the square of lasagna in my plate faster; burning my tongue in the process. After chewing two mouthfuls I replied "Yeah, I can't wait for tomorrow." Matt was already done with his plate; he got up put it in the sink and then walked towards me. I tensed up involuntarily as he embraced me. He held me there for some time before saying "Joyce please, stop doing this to yourself. It kills me to watch you in this state; you hardly talk anymore, you're always by yourself. Listen honey, I know what happened still haunts you - I can hear you screaming sometimes at night - but you have to move on. It's been four months now." I got up angrily without finishing my plate; he knew all too well not to bring this up.

I climbed up the staircase, opened the door to my room and locking it after I got in. It was finally time to start pack and I was relieved; it would keep me busy for a couple of hours and then I could go to bed right after I'm done.

Like expected, I was done with packing in two hours and a half and it was time to go to sleep. I was going downstairs to grab a glass of water when I ran into Matt on the staircase. "Goodnight, Matt," I mumbled as I walked passed him. "Goodnight, honey," he answered and I heard him going up the stairs. I was suddenly tired so I hurried to drink that glass of water and went back up. I changed into one of Matt's old boxers and tank top and quickly crawled under the sheets. After laying the clothes I would need for tomorrow, I curled into a small ball - fetal position - and prayed for the umpteenth time that I'd have a dreamless sleep.

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