Road Trip -chap 3-

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                             this is the third chapter and i spent almost 5 hours on it so its gonna be longer than the other this chapter you will meet Will...hahah will meet Will thats funny...i hate shifting between pov but it had to be done....please vote and comment and remember to be brutally honest...thanks for reading....

A blood-curling scream woke me up; it was a few seconds before I realized it was mine. I tried to calm myself; thankfully I stopped screaming but I couldn't stop the hysterical sobs. Matt was suddenly by my side; hugging me and whispering 'shhhh' and 'It's okay' in my ear. I wet his thin sleeveless shirt with my tears. It took me fifteen minutes to finally calm down. He tried to get up when he didn't hear me crying anymore but I held on to him for a moment longer. He seemed to like that.

"Come on, let's get ready. We have to go to that address Adams gave us," he whispered as he pulled me up off the bed. I merely nodded.

After he went out of my room, I grabbed the clothes I laid yesterday night on the edge of the bed, quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth. While waiting for my hair to dry up a little, I packed the tank top and boxers in to one of my bags - making sure they were on the top because I was going to use them soon - as well as my toothbrush. I put on the inescapable jeans and a plaid shirt. I tried carrying both bags downstairs - one was a duffle bag, where I kept the things I might use on the road - but it was impossible. Matt must have heard me struggling and came to help me out. He carried both bags downstairs and then looked up at me with a huge grin; this morning's episode long forgotten. To prove I wasn't completely a hopeless case, I grabbed his only bag - boys don't really need that much, lucky - and carried it all the way to the front door. That made him laugh; it was good to hear.

We both had rice bars for breakfast before we headed outside. Dan was predictably waiting in the black Ford. Matt gave him a polite nod before loading our bags into the truck's trunk. I took out the piece of paper Detective Adams gave us out of my pocket - I was wearing the jeans I wore yesterday - and put it in Matt's waiting hand.

Will (pov)

I was sitting on a stool eating my breakfast on the kitchen counter when the pager started buzzing. Kane wanted me early in the office today- great. What was I fussing over? I loved my job; being an agent is fantastic- gave me total freedom and an authorization to kill, but only who were considered a menace to people. But for the past month or so, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wanted something more- needed is more like it. It kept me up for long hours at night; the feeling that there was some place for me - somewhere I belonged - and it wasn't at the agency. That blank space seemed to get only larger as time passed; it was only natural for me to try and fill it with work. Ha! Like that worked.

I got dressed swiftly and made my way out of my apartment. Mrs. Cooper was just getting into her old Chevy as I opened the door to my sleek black Lexus.

"Good morning Will. How are we doing this morning?" asked Mrs. Cooper with a smile.

"Good morning Mrs. Cooper. Oh, I'm doing just fine, thanks for asking," I answered politely, returning her smile.

"That's good to hear dear. It's Saturday, where are you going?" she innocently questioned.

"Just a little emergency at work; not a big deal," I said as I got into my car.

"Well good luck with that," she shouted as I pulled out of the building's parking lot.

Poor old Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Cooper died of lung cancer six years ago and now all she has is her two cats- Claus and Mary. She is sixty-eight years old and is living off of the money her kids send her every month.

I reached the agency in fifteen minutes - traffic wasn't that bad. The building was pretty big; it had to be, it was the Head Quarters for all Sector Zero agents in America. It had a big four-foot logo of two letters with 'L&K Executive Recruitment' written under the huge logo - which was in the middle of a fountain. It was the perfect cover for a secret agency.

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