Chapter 9

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Megan (Judge's Chambers)

It's Tuesday morning and Brandon had pulled a few strings. He called in some favors to get us a meeting with the Judge, in his chambers. I couldn't believe the media circus outside the court house. Apparently, John McKay told the press about this meeting, when he held his Press Conference yesterday. I can't believe his audacity, outside of the Corwin Development Corporation office building.

He loves the limelight and the attention this is giving him. That shows that he's not concerned about Liliana, one bit. No one would subject their beloved five year old child, to this chaos.

Alex and Chance decided to beef up security at their mother's home. We have a constant security team on the premises now, and at their office building. We are not to go anywhere alone, without security. We've started riding in black SUV's, with tinted windows. I feel like I'm in a some kind of Mission Impossible movie.

It's what we have to do. John McKay cannot be trusted. He has a lot of connections. He could attempt to take Liliana, by force. My stomach is in constant knots, with worry over how this will all turnout.

We pulled in front of the court house and Alex gave my hand a squeeze, before exciting the SUV. I gave him a weak smile. Chance, Avalon, and Brandon were in a black SUV following us.

We all got out at the same time. There were photographers everywhere. The press were calling my name. It was ridiculous—I never would have imagined all of this five days ago.

Alex grabbed my hand and put his arm up, shielding me. "Stay close to me, and don't say a word. They may try to bait you, just look straight forward." I listened, and stayed right by his side throughout the chaotic scene around us.

A news reporter was standing and speaking into a microphone. "The Corwin Family just arrived, with Megan Kennedy to the court house. We didn't get a comment, but we've heard that Miss Kennedy, is the girlfriend, of Alex Corwin. Her lawyer is Brandon Corwin. Chancellor Corwin and his wife Avalon, a Broadway actress, are with Megan Kennedy as well. Miss Kennedy, has heavy weight support on her side. We know the Corwins are a very well known and powerful family, here in New York City. It will be interesting how this all unfolds."

This was like a bad dream and I can't wake up. Who told the press that I was Alex's girlfriend? I didn't get that news flash.

We finally, made it into the court house and into the Judge's Chambers. We were asked to have a seat. In walked John McKay, his wife, and their lawyer. He kept looking at me, with a smug smirk on his face.

Alex leaned in close and whispered. "Do not look at him, he's trying to get a rise out of you. I'm trying to remain calm and not do anything to jeopardize your case," I got his implication, and turned my head.

The Judge came in and we all rose. "Everyone please be seated. I understand you brought a media circus outside of my Courthouse, Mr. McKay."

"Your Honor, I just needed to have my story heard. I'm not well known and powerful, like the Corwin family. I'm using everything at my disposal, to even the playing field. I just want my little girl back." He was playing a violin, to anyone that would listen.

I just wanted to gag. . . but Brandon had advised me not to speak.

The Judge narrowed his eyes at him. "You can cut the theatrics in my Chambers. Obviously, you and Miss Kennedy want the same thing, or else we wouldn't be here today. Mr. Corwin, I've looked over the papers you gave me and there are errors in the adoption paperwork, for whatever reasons. I also see that you filed new papers, which will take time to process. We will have to reconvene at a later date. In the meantime, I advise that Liliana Kennedy remain in the custody of Miss Megan Kennedy."

The McKay's lawyer spoke up in their behalf. "Your Honor, if Liliana is to remain in the custody of Miss Kennedy until we reconvene, my clients are asking for visitation of Liliana."

The Judge thought about it. "That seems reasonable, however, the child doesn't know the McKays. I will allow supervised visits, after she has met with a child psychologist. I'll see what  her opinion is, as to if that would be advisable for the child's welfare. That's my final word, Mr. McKay. Will the attorneys please stay? Everyone else is free to go."

Alex put his arm around me. "Look at me, this man will not win. The judge gave you custody right now. Even if this man, who I will not call by name. . . gets visitation, it will be supervised.  We will take any small victory and celebrate that."

Chance, gave my shoulder a squeeze. "Don't worry, we'll do whatever it takes to protect Liliana."

Avalon hugged me tight. "It's going to be okay, honey. We all love that little girl, you know how much she means to me. We're going to fight with you. You're not alone in this, Megan." I cried a river of tears in my best friend's arms.

We left the courthouse and I was numb. I was in disbelief of the jaw dropping decision of the judge. He granted the McKays visitation rights? I didn't see that coming. I didn't know we'd have to come back and continue discussing my rightful adoption of Liliana.

I pushed a photographer out of my way, and got in the waiting SUV. I didn't care anymore and I certainly didn't want my picture taken. This was turning from bad to worse.

Alex got in the SUV and I started screaming, pointing my finger at him. "YOU. . . you promised me everything would be alright! YOU wouldn't let them take her away. YOU LIED! My Baby. . . ." I was convulsively crying out loud, I was in such pain.

"I did not lie to you. Do you think I don't hurt over this? She isn't my daughter, so I don't feel what you feel. I will tell you, that I love that little girl, just like I love you. I love both of you, Megan," he said barely above a whisper, as his eyes were filled with tears. Alex leaned over and pulled me to him and we both cried, together.

Alex loves me and Liliana?

"Alex, I'm so sorry for lashing out unfairly at you. I know you and your family are doing everything in your power to help me keep Liliana. I can't thank you enough. And yet, thank you somehow doesn't seem an adequate enough word. I love you too and I know Liliana, loves her Mr. Alex. I didn't dare let myself dream, that you could love us back in return." I turned to place a soft kiss on his lips and he kissed me back. His kiss held a promise of a future for the three of us, together.

I melted into his arms, as he held me for the ride back to his mother's house. We didn't speak, as we were both so mentally and emotionally broken after today's outcome. I looked out of the window, with thoughts swirling through my mind.

I broke the thick silence that hung in the air. "I have no clue of what to tell Liliana about having to meet with a child psychologist and possibly having visits, with the McKays. Can you talk to her with me when we get home?"

Alex kissed the top of my head. "Of course, I'll talk to her with you. We'll keep it simple. But she needs to know as soon as possible, so she's not traumatized by all of this. It's going to be a lot for her to handle, at only five years old. But we're here to help her."

"Thank you. Liliana knew that we needed you in our life. I'm so happy I took the initiative, and invited you to her graduation. The timing was incredible." I continued looking out of the window and viewing life just going on normally, as mine was falling apart.

We arrived home shortly after that conversation and our life as we knew it was about to change drastically. . . .

Authors Note:  The next Chapter is Alex's POV Chapter 10.  I love the Song for Chapter 10.  Those words are how Alex feels about Liliana and this situation.  The Song is dedicated to Liliana... Chapter 10 is one of my favorites.  I really hope you are enjoying the story as much as I enjoyed writing these chapters. Enjoy Chapter 10 ❤️ Please vote and let me know what you think by comments.

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