Chapter 15

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I woke up Friday morning, still floating on a cloud from last night's unexpected proposal from Alex! I did not know he was so romantic . . . .

The rose petals covering the deck floor and the table with rose petals, was like a dream. The table set complete with candles—felt like we were in a restaurant. It was such a sweet gesture, with Alex being our waiter. He gave us a memory, that will last a lifetime. I still get misty eyed, just remembering.

I was speechless and mesmerized, the moment Alex walked me and Liliana out onto the deck. I couldn't believe my own eyes. It was like I was in a parallel universe—only it was very real.

How unbelievable, he included Liliana in the entire proposal. It was surreal he asked her permission to marry me, sigh . . . It was the most considerate and unselfish act I've ever seen. He was so caring to reflect on her feelings.

I can't stop staring at my ring. Never, in a million years would I imagine having something so beautiful. It's a precious, jaw dropping, 5 ct diamond solitaire. He gave Liliana a diamond pendant on a delicate gold chain, that was so fitting for her. That blew my mind and touched my heart, profoundly.

He put so much thought into everything to make it a special occasion. I felt loved like it was something tangible, that I could touch. It enveloped me.

I know that gift was priceless to Liliana, because it came from Mr. Alex. It was a symbol of his love for her, and him wanting to become her daddy.

I could relive that proposal over and over again, and it will never get old. How could I forget those heartfelt words from the man I have come to love, and adore?

Flashback. . .

Alex turned to address Liliana. "Usually, when a man wants to marry a woman, he asks her father's permission. I'm going to ask you if it would be alright, if I married your mommy?" She jumped into his arms, hugging his neck, excitedly.

She was crying. "Yes, Mr. Alex! I want you to marry my mommy and you'll be my daddy."  Liliana could barely contain her excitement.

Then, he turned to face me and got down on one knee. "Megan Kennedy, we have been through quite a journey in a short period of time. You and Liliana, have changed me in ways I could never put into words. When I look at you, I see a mother that loves her daughter and puts her welfare first in all things. And never thinks about herself."

He paused to wipe his eyes. "Because of Liliana, I am able to see life through a different lens. When I zoom in I see no one, but the two of you. I love you, with all that I am and I promise to love Liliana, as my own daughter."

He very slowly enunciated, as he wiped my tears. "I will protect the two of you and let nothing, or no one separate us. Please say you'll marry me." I started trembling, I was in such disbelief.

"Yes, yes, I'll marry you Alex. I thought you'd never ask." I kissed him with a strong emotion, that came from my joy and the journey we had been on. And now this new chapter. He kissed me back, with that same emotion. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt safe.

He nervously, placed the engagement ring on my finger. I admired how beautiful it was and how it sparkled with the sunset. It was in a word, exceptional.

He pulled out a second velvet covered box, that contained a diamond pendant attached to a delicate gold chain. Liliana gasped, and stood with both of her little hands covering the expression on her mouth and face.

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