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1K FUCKING READS (excuse my language) BUT OH MY GOD!!! I won't go on a rant cause y'all know I could go on for hours about how I'm having breathing problems as I try to remain calm about this, so I'll just say that I love each and every single one of you to death for going on this shit show journey with me and supporting me incredibly along the way. A special shoutout to Rosexdolan and downrightdelinquents for actually being my friends?? I love them so much for constantly supporting me no matter what and making me laugh consistently.


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Thalia Lively

I was walking out of the school with Riley as she ranted about how she doesn't care about the stunt Rebecca pulled earlier, but I could tell she wanted to jump in a hole and die since she was embarrassed in front of Emmett.

"It was more embarrassing for her than it was for you." I stated, speaking in all honesty. Rebecca's little 'friends' didn't even come to back her up or anything when she needed them to.

The usually gloomy weather was now bright and warm. I would've enjoyed this a lot more if I wasn't in such a foul mood, my stomach pain eased but there was still a dull feeling remain in the pit of my stomach. I also noticed that I'm just naturally in an angry mood today and I blame my monthly week of hell.

"Yeah, I wonder how many times Nathan curved her." She muttered. I was starting to notice that she isn't freaking out over the boys anymore, I mean yes, she looked like she was terrified to speak around them just incase she embarrassed herself but after a while she didn't seem affected by their presence anymore.

Thank god for that because here they come approaching us, interrupting her midway through her rant.

"So, I heard Mateo's throwing a Halloween party." Ethan dragged out slowly, looking at each of us with hope.

"Mateo? He's back?" Austin questioned, eating a bag of Cheetos, the orange cheddar covering his fingers and mouth.

"He's been back for a while, he came like last month. Anyways, his parties are always lit." Emmett commented, wanting to go to the party as well. I looked over at Riley and she was looking at the floor debating on whether or not it's a good idea to go.

"You guys down?" Ethan looked at all of us eagerly.

"I'm down." Riley spoke up and the three guys cheered, the other two looking at Riley with their eyebrows raised.

"You traitor." I said leaning on the wall next to me for support as my head started pounding. So not only am I on my period but I'm tired, hungry and getting sick. What an amazing combo.

"Common Thalia, I know you want to go." Ethan poked my side and I looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"I really don't." I said closing my eyes, the harsh sun glare was making my head hurt even more and I wanted to do nothing more in this moment than to be cuddled up in my bed, in the dark, with a bundle of blankets covering me, watching an old Disney film. I was not in the mood to go to some Halloween party where teenagers would be drinking, smoking and having sex afterwards. I'll pass.

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