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"your future needs you.
your past doesn't."

Thalia Lively Castillo

"How do I look?" I ask Riley as I analyze my outfit in the full body mirror. I smoothed out my simple, silky black dress that fell to my feet with a slit on my left leg. Riley made me buy this dress forever ago on one of our random shopping trips, insisting that I would need it some day. I guess she was right.

"Like a fucking goddess. Wow, I'm so lucky to be your best friend, I actually mean that." She looks at me in awe but the roles were reversed when I saw her in her dress. She was wearing a white short dress with slits that showed her abs. She clearly has been going to the gym with Emmett.

"No, I'm lucky to have you. Holy shit, Ry." I gasp as I take in how beautiful my best friend is.

"Okay, okay, we're both hot as shit." She laughs and I nod my head, agreeing. "Well, now or never." She smirks at me then opens the door that would lead us down to all the males that were waiting for us in the main living room.

"The testosterone in this house is making me go insane." I comment as I can already smell their cologne that filled the house. Luckily, I'm obsessed with the scent of men's cologne, not that disgusting axe spray that the boys at school drown themselves in, but the actual nice smelling cologne.

"You're not the only one," she replies as we both slowly go down the stairs since one, I'm not used to heels yet and two, she wants to make some type of entrance. Sighing, I follow her lead. The marble staircase scared me slightly since I can't help but picture myself falling on my face because of these damn heels, that weren't even that high.

The group of men stop talking once we make it to the bottom and walk towards them. I purposefully avoid Nathan's piercing eyes, mainly because I was growing confident and I wanted to tease him as much as I could. I didn't know how long my bravery would last but I'm getting a feeling it won't be long with the way I could feel this stare.

"You look beautiful," Aiden says as he kisses my forehead. "You as well, Riley." He smiles at her making her smile back happily. "And you two, stop staring at her like that before I beat your ass." He turns to Lincoln and Jax who both look away immediately and make their way out the door.

"To the party!" Jax yells excitedly while everyone else follows.

"You look good, weirdo." Carter compliments me as he ruffles up my hair slightly.

"So do you, loser." I shove his hand away from my hair before he ruined my whole look.

"It's time to party, best friend!" Ethan throws his arm over my shoulder as he leads me out of the house. "We're gonna have so much fun— okay not that much fun I take it back since stupid Nate over here forbid me from drinking." He side-eyes Nathan then shakes his head.

"You get too drunk." Nathan states bluntly.

"And you get on my nerves but you don't see me forbidding you from being an asshole." Ethan sulks.

"Fine, drink your life away. But I won't peel your body off the ground when you're too shit-faced to even hold your own weight up." Nathan bites back.

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