3A. The Woman I never wanted to be

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Pic: Liam
(If you don't like him, feel free to imagine whoever you think fits the role ;P)

6 years later:

Ah! Home sweet home!

I closed my eyes; spread my arms; took a deep breath, inhaling all the sweetness that I could. I missed home.

"And the drama queen returns" I hear a voice behind me

I grinned.

And I missed my best friend. I turn around and jump at the person looking at me with a huge grin on his face

"I missed you" he said

"Sure you did" I punch him in his ribs "Do you even have the time to look away from Emma and do what normal people do?"

He grinned and shook his head "Nope"

"So where is she?"

"Come to the lake after you are done with your teary family reunion"

"Oh..... ok" I guess they were all gathered there.


Evan was right about the teary part of the family reunion.

My mother wouldn't stop feeding me, like she saved up all the food she was supposed to feed me for the past four years.

And my father, yes, my father, couldn't stop weeping. He would weep when I talked, when I laughed, even when I ate. He must have thought that the cruel world starved his daughter to death

I had to threaten him "I'm going to click a picture of you crying, and send it to the alpha, dad"

That stopped him. We couldn't stop laughing as he glared at us through his tears.


I was on my way to the lake to meet my friends.

As I walk through the jungle, I couldn't help but think how much our lives have changed.

Evan and Emma were mates. Yes, that's right; Evan couldn't enjoy his single hood for long.

Two weeks after our 16th birthday, it was Emma's big day. And when poor Evan was busy kissing his latest crush behind a tree, at Emma's party, he felt 'the pull'. He raised his eyes only to meet those of an angry Emma's. It was hilarious.

Tyler met his mate Emily when he went to visit his mother's pack one winter. She is beautiful.

Sara found out on her 16th birthday that the school hottie, Adam, who was also a human was her mate. He was a strange creature (that's coming from a strange creature herself). Sara had to put years of hard work on him. He's still strange but Sara loves it that way.

Me? Nope, six years and no such luck.

I went away to finish university. I love kids; I love how they learn new things every day. From the time I can remember, I knew I wanted to be around pups, look at their amazed faces as I teach them new things. Guess who has a certificate for her dream job now? That's right fellas, me.

Well at least there is Justin in the group. I'll feel a little less lonely, and the look of pity that I otherwise am the sole recipient of, will be shared.


"What is this?" I asked, as I get squeezed to death by Emma "A crazy carnival?"

They had weird lights of different shapes hanging like creepers wrapped around makeshift pillars, barbeque set up and table full of food and beer.

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