17. Home Sweet Home

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"We are coming home" I broke it to the people at the table as casually as I could.

There was a pregnant silence in the room. I fidgeted with the fork in my hand looking at their stunned expressions.

"You guys are making me nervous" I laughed awkwardly.

Sara's loud "Yayyyy" broke everyone's shock.

"Thank you" Luna Alexandra was the first to respond. She smiled gratefully at me.

My mother got up from her chair and hugged me. She smiled through her tears and kissed my head. Tears stung my eyes too threatening to spill out.

Everyone congratulated me. The only person that didn't was Evan. I looked at him but he was glaring at his food. Emma nudged him, he finally looked up. He was still weak from the incident.

"Did....did he do something....bad" he hesitated "Did he blackmail you?" He truly was my twin. Every time I thought of the incident, guilt surrounded me. He was punished because he was trying to protect me and here he was still looking out for me.

I rushed to his side and hugged him. He was holding on to his fork, his knuckles white.

"No, Evan. I'm going back because I want to. I'm going back for Dan, for all of you. I missed you guys so much. I don't think I can live like that again" I tilted my head to look at his face and gave him my best smile "I love you"

"That's what you said the day before you disappeared" he gritted out without a trace of humor.

"That's why I'm saying it now that I'm coming back" I tickled him "I love you. I love you. I love you" he squirmed in his chair. The table erupted in laughter. Evan finally smiled. He got up to attack me but I ran towards the hall. He chased after me.

"Kids finish your food" I heard Luna yell.


The entire process took us four months. Packing; paper works; travelling; tears; some more paper works; new jobs; welcome back parties; house warming parties, both mine and Ray's.

It finally feels like life was back to normal. It's a bright Sunday morning and I have the entire house to myself. I drove Dan to Ray's place yesterday. He is having a sleepover. Ray is still wary of our kind. He gets nervous when he steps into the pack territory, which to his credit, he does pretty often. So, he definitely is brave. Evan's favorite game these days is to jump on Ray when he least expects it. Ray almost had a heart attack the first time. He's getting used to it now.

I lazily walk to my new kitchen to make breakfast. People laugh at me when I tell them that the kitchen is my favorite place to be in the entire house. It has always been, first when I learned to eat and then when I learned to cook.

The music blazing through my earphones came to a halt with an incoming call. It was Luna Alexandra.

'Where are you?' she asked even before I could open my mouth to greet her

"Good morning to you too" I chuckled "Didn't Alpha tell you that Dan is at Ray's?"

'Yes Liam did tell us about Dan but you are here, four houses away, so why do I not see you at my breakfast table?'

"I...I...". What do I tell her? That without your grandson, I really have no connection to you people what-so-ever so I think I shouldn't impose myself on your family. "I really feel like lazing around today. I have the house to myself so I thought I will, you know...."

'The next time you decide to bring out your laziness, inform us, like you obediently inform us all about Dan' she scolded 'you are as important as he is. I have loved you longer than I loved my grandson. So, don't you think I have no idea of what's going in that little head of yours' I bit my tongue, embarrassed.

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