2.11 - The Ride.

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"Raine! She's in the hospital" I said with horror stricken face. Caleb's eyes widened in alarm and he held my arm with a firm grip. "Let's go" he started dragging me towards the elevator that will take us down. "I'm sorry, it's an emergency. I'll make it up to you guys later. We better leave" Caleb said behind me to Emily and Drake who replied with a 'it's fine, go'. I reached the elevator and pressed the button. It immediately opened to allow me and Caleb to step in. As I stood there with sweaty hands folded in front of me, I watched Ian's confused but concern filled baby blue eyes watch me. Our eyes held each other only to be broken by the elevator doors closing.

In a matter of minutes I found myself in the passenger seat of Caleb's car fumbling with my fingers on my lap, silently praying that my baby is alright. A warmth covered my hands preventing them from strangling each other. I looked at Caleb who was looking back at me mirroring my worry.

"She'll be fine" he assured me. Unconsciously I pulled my hand from under his and kept on top, sandwiching it between my hands. "I know, I can't help but worry. Last time she was in the hospital-" I started but he cut me off by saying "She made it and so will this time"

I let the comfort from his words wrap around me and released his hand as the light turned green. Nerves got the best of me and I my hands couldn't rest in peace, so I started twirling the dimond and sapphire necklace around my neck that has been there for the last six years. It's the only thing that's been there from my past along with my two bundle of joys. I wasn't going to loose any of them.

Resting my head on the cool glass flashbacks occurred of the time Raine was rushed to the ER. It was just another spring evening. Caleb and I were sitting on a bench in a park and were watching Raine and Ryker play with other kids. They were just four years old back then, yelling and giggling just like normal bunch of kids. Suddenly Raine dropped to her knees clutching her chest and breathing heavily. We were quick on our feet and within seconds Raine was scooped up in Caleb's arms and we were all rushing towards the hospital. Even at that tender age Ryker knew something was wrong. Throughout the ride he held on my arm and was crying. He didn't stop crying until Raine woke up and touched his cheek with her hand.

Doctor said her asthmatic condition had worsened. He also mentioned if we were so much as a minute late we might have lost her. Before the doctor said she was too young for inhalers but now he had no other choice but to recommend one. From that day I made sure she didn't run much or laugh harder or do any other activity that can cause her to breathe heavily.

"What happened to her?" Caleb's voice broke my trip down the memory lane. I opened my mouth to answer but words froze on my tongue. "Saph?" Caleb asked and glanced at me. "I don't know" I mumbled. "I disconnected the call as soon as Mrs.Smith uttered the word 'hospital'." I said sheepishly. Caleb shook his head and parked the car in the parking lot of the hospital.

As soon as the engine got cut off I unbuckled myself and got out of the car. Running inside the sliding door, I slammed my hands on the reception desk and asked Raine's room number. She pointed towards the elevator and said 4-C. Caleb held my hand and started drawing circles on the back of my hand. Usually it used to calm me down but today it was not working at all. I could still feel my erratically beating heart in my chest and my sweaty hands no matter how many times I wiped it on my dress.

The doors opened and we dashed towards Mrs.Smith who was sitting on a metallic chair but stood up when she heard the ding of the elevator. "Where is she?" I asked as soon as I reached near her. "She's in the room. The doctor said she's fine now. We can go meet her" she said with a smile. I sighed in relief and relaxed in Caleb's hold.

"Ryker's with her?" I asked when I noticed he wasn't by her side. "No, he's in the waiting room with Sophia." She answered. I nodded and squeezed her wrinkly hand. "Thankyou very much Mrs.Smith. I'll let Sophia know we are here and you can leave with her." I said. She nodded with a smile.

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