2.15 - The Interview.

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Playlist :

Believe - Mumford and Sons.


One week.

That's all time my life took to turn upside down. A week ago I couldn't even imagine my life will come at this point. Turning my head, I looked at Ryker and Raine who was scowling at each other and shoving the piece of bread in their mouths.

No! I can't give up. I need to be strong for my kids. I will get us through this situation no matter what.

A week ago I had everything a person need in his life. Happiness, a friend.. heck I even had a job and a place that I can call mine but unfortunately today I don't. I don't have anything of the above. Caleb is still in New York working hard for his first hotel. I can't tell him and add this to his pile of tension. Everytime I FaceTime him, he looks tired and worried. I tried to explain him to take care of himself. Only if he'll listen to me.

"Come on kids! Time for school." Mrs.Smith said and the kids got down of the chair to get their backpack.

"Thankyou Mrs.Smith for letting us stay." I said and looked at the women with nothing but gratitude in my eyes. It's said that the true intentions of a person is only known when you're going through a bad time and I'm glad Mrs.Smith is not among those who will leave your side during those days.

"Nonsense! I love you and those kids. You can stay here for as long as you can." She said and walked towards her purse. Taking her wallet she walked in my direction and handed me a hundred dollar bill. I shook my head in denial. "No! I can't take it." I said.

"Take it. Hire a cab today. You've got an interview to rock." She winked at me. I sighed heavily and gave her a tight lipped smile. "Mommy?" Ryker called out while standing at the door with his sister, waiting for me to join them. "Coming!" I said and looked back at Mrs.Smith

"Thanks again" I hugged her and said a goodbye while following my kids towards the elevator. I stopped in front of the door that had 805A written on it. This was my home. A home I made a lot of memories in but now it's someone else's. I sighed again and rode the elevator down. The heels of my formal sandals clicked on the pavement as I walked towards the bus stop. The walk was of five minutes but my kids kept me entertained by their banter of who is more smart, Dory or Nemo.

We got on the bus and the ride towards their school was about 10 minutes. Luckily they didn't whined because we had to stand for the whole ride. The bus stopped near their school and we got down. I waved them goodbye and watched them go. After they disappeared from my sight I quickly walked back to the bus stop and got on the bus. Luckily a gentleman stood up after five minutes and gave me his seat. I smiled at him and mumbled a 'thanks' before sitting. Lack of workout was taking a toll on me.

Looking out of the window I started feeling nostalgic for the past events.

After three days of Caleb and Ian's departure I recieved a news in the middle of the night that the cafe was burnt to the ground. The police said it was because of a short circuit but I knew better since I could smell the gasoline but the police said it was because of the kitchen appliances and I said it was bullshit, not literally but I did said it in my mind. It was clear the police was covering something but why? As far as I can remember I don't have any enemies.

When I returned home I found my landlord with a couple inside our house and were looking around. When I asked him what was it, he said he is selling the house to the couple. I said to him he can't do it since I'm still leaving there, he just gave me two days to pack my stuff and leave the house. When I asked him why he is doing this, I use to pay the rent on time, wasn't that what all the landlords want? He just sighed looking at my face and left.

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