Chapter Five

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Taehyung turned to the other guys while Yoongi put a clean shirt from Jimin. The clothes fitted fine since they almost have the same size. "We can go shopping tomorrow for clothes for you." Yoongi shook his head.
"I don't need new clothes. And I certainly don't need you spending your money for me." Taehyung coughed and the two guys looked at him. "I checked his wounds and it looks like there is no infection. So I think there is no need to worry about an infection or something." Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi nodded. Hoseok just looked at Taehyung and shook his head slowly to show his disappointment in him. "I think we should go." Hoseok said. Taehyung frowned at the fact that Hoseok wanted to go suddenly. "I'll let you guys out." Jungkook said.
"Bye, see you soon I hope." Jimin said. Yoongi didn't looked at the pack wolfs but he whispered a small thanks. He didn't know why. Maybe for the fact that they didn't kill him or for the fact that Taehyung took care of his wounds or maybe even both reasons. Secretly Yoongi hoped that they didn't hear him but when he looked at them and he saw their suprised faces, he knew that they heard him. Taehyung gave him a small unsure smile and Hoseok just stared at him. Taehyung and Hoseok followed Jungkook to the front door. They wanted to walk away but Jungkook stopped them. "Taehyung." Caught my suprise both pack wolves turned around. One curious and the other annoyed. "Would you like to grab a coffee some time?" The curious boy smiled and nodded.
"I would love too. Text me and we'll pick a time and date." Jungkook smiled.
"Great. See you soon then."
"Yeah, see you soon." Jungkook closed the door and the two guys walked their way to the forest. They didn't say a word till they were at the edge of the forest. "What's going on Hoseok?" He shrugged. "You can just say it. I won't judge you and you know that. We're best friends for I don't know how long." Hoseok sighed and he looked at Taehyung and worry was seen in his eyes. "I don't like the fact that a rogue is with Jimin."
"Do you think I like that? A rogue with my mate?" Hoseok shook his head. "But to be honest. I don't think Yoongi is a dangerous rogue."
"What are you saying?! All rogues are dangerous."
"That's what alpha says. But do you really believe that?" He shook his head. "Not all rogues are bad."
"Apparently not." They walked into the forest. A sneaky smile appeared on Hoseok's face. "Let's run." Tae looked back at him and nodded. Without any other minute spilled they shifted in their wolves.

Jin sat up slowly, he groaned and looked around in the room. He noticed Namjoon's sleeping figure in the chair across his hospital bed. He looked at Namjoon and smiled softly. Yes, Jin is still afraid that Namjoon would hurt him, but he could see that Namjoon is hurt and that he needs someone to show him love again. Jin wants to be that someone. "Hey, how long are you awake?" A raspy voice asked and a small scream escaped Jin's mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Namjoon chuckled. He stood up and walked to Jin. As a reflex, he flinched. Hurt flashed in Namjoon's eyes. "I don't know how long I'm awake. But not that long." Jin looked at Namjoon who stared at him.
"The doctor said you can go home today. I want you to stay at the packhouse." Jin gulped. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I just want to make sure you're safe and heal properly." Jin thought it was kinda cute that the heartless alpha is so worried about him. "If it makes you feel better then I will stay some time at the pack house." A small smile came on Namjoon's face. He wanted to say something but a doctor came into the room. He looked a bit confused seeing the alpha at the edge of the bed from an omega. "Did I interrupt?" The doctor asked. Namjoon shook his head.
"What is it doc?" The doctor looked a bit unsure and took a deep breath.
"Uhm well, the wounds are healing properly. But I already told you that."
"You also said that he can go home today. So what is the problem?"
"Uhm. His wolf. That's the problem." Worry was written all over Namjoon's face. "His wolf is weak. Very weak. We're not sure if his wolf can heal his body when he gets hurt that bad again." Namjoon's heart felt like it dropped to the bottom of his feet. It's all his fault. He thought. "I-is there a way to make his wolf stronger?" Namjoon asked. The doctor nodded.
"The omega needs, as first option, eat better. And the second option is to let him spend as much time as possible with his mate. But I doubt that he'll find his mate or that his mate will accept him." Namjoon growled aggresive at the doctor.
"What did you say." His eyes getting a darker color, showing the fact that he was slowly losing control of his wolf. The doctor gulped. "That he'll probably never find his mate or that his mate will reject him."
"And why is that?"
"Because he's a stupid weak omega and I don't get that the alpha wants that the omega survives. It's just a stupid omega, we can live without him." The doctor said, getting mad. What he didn't noticed was that Namjoon totally lost control of his wolf. A furious growl was heard and Jin flinched and tried to hide himself in the covers of the bed. "Do not talk about my mate like that!" Namjoon growled and he ran to the doctor. Without hesitation he snapped the neck of the doctor. The lifeless body fell on the ground and Namjoon called someone to get rid of the body. A lot of anger was still bottled inside of him. He tried a lot to calm down his wolf, but his wolf wanted to see blood, taste blood and there was nothing else that could calm down his wolf, maybe his mate could. Namjoon turned around to his mate, immediatly his wolf whined. His mate was trying to hide himself in the covers of the hospital bed. Jin was shaking of fear. He just saw how Namjoon killed a man without hesitation. It makes him think about the fact how easily he could kill him. Namjoon walked closer. It was clear that his wolf still had some domination. "S-stop." Jin begged. But he didn't. Jin started shaking worse and even tears started to stream down his face. "P-please s-stop." His voice sounded scattered. Namjoon still didn't listened. His mate needed to know that he wouldn't hurt him. But he was still fighting his wolf for control. His wolf was forcing him to walk to Jin, but Namjoon wanted to stop. He couldn't face it that his mate is terrified for him. "I'm begging you. Please don't kill me." Tears were falling down Jin's face like waterfalls. Namjoon's wolf backed away, realizing that he scared his mate. Finally Namjoon gained control over his body. He stood still and looked at Jin, who was still trying to back away and hiding himself. He looked so scared and Namjoon's heart ached, seeing his mate like that and being the reason for it. "Please don't be scared." Namjoon said with a soft voice. Jin stopped moving, but he couldn't hold back the tears that were still streaming down his face. "Why shouldn't I be scared?" Jin said with a broken voice, yet his voice sounded powerful. "You just killed a man without hesitation! You killed someone with your bare hands. Only because you can't control your fucking wolf." Jin's voice raised with every word he said. Namjoon looked at the ground, knowing that his words were true. "You ask me to not be scared while you killed someone in front of me! Do you even know what you could do to me?! I'm just a pathetic, weak omega who can't defend himself! I'm an easy target! Stop saying I shouldn't be scared, because I'm not scared for you. I'm terrified for you!" Those words felt like someone was stabbing Namjoon right in the heart. Tears started to form in Namjoon's eyes. "I-I'm sorry." Namjoon's voice cracked. "I think I can better go." Jin noticed a tear falling down Namjoon's cheek before he ran out the room. Jin stared at the place where Namjoon just stood before he ran away. Exhausted from everthing that happened, Jin let himself fall on the pillows. Again tears formed in his eyes. Why is everything so complicated? He thought. Why can't it be easy?

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