Chapter Twenty-Nine

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''What do you think about it?'' 
''Well first of all, I am surprised you're asking my opinion on this and secondly I think it's an amzing idea, but there are a few points you need to change''
''You're my mate, we have to rule the pack together so ofcourse I will ask for your opinion on this.''
''How many people will be surprised when they hear the big, bad alpha is just big, bad softy.'' Namjoon grimaced.
''Please don't tell anyone.''
''No need to, they will see it one day.''
''You're so Lucky I love you.'' Jin blushed and giggled. ''So cute and beautiful.'' Namjoon said as he kissed his mate. ''But now back to buisiness.'' Jin rolled his eyes, but nodded anyway. 
''If you want this to succeed, you need to start different.'' Namjoon raised an eyebrow. ''I know you want to help to omega's, but you're thinking too much about ranks.'' Confusion was written on Namjoon's face and Jin let out a dramatic sigh.''Look, the omega's are really scared of anyone with an higher rank and you're slowly gaining their trust by helping them, but it's not enough. If you want this to work they have to trust everyone and that's going to be difficult. You could start off with giving the omega's some money, food and clothes so they can live a decent life. Also, you should start paying them for the hard work they do. And when they're getting  a better life, you should convince the rest of the pack to help the omega's and treat them as equals. Ranks shouldn't matter that much. I know it's going to be difficult, because they don't know any better. You could start with showing them what the omega's do, then you could let them do the tasks of the omega's and treat them how they were treated so they'll learn how hard it is to be an omega. Show them the truth, let them feel the truth. It may sound extreme, but this is what the pack needs, a wake up call. You know that they learn things the hard way.'' Namjoon let out a sigh and nodded, encouraging Jin to go on. ''When they understand how hard an omega's life is and the omega's can trust their fellow pack members, it will all be solved on it's own from there. Omega's will be respected more and live a good life without being scared everyday.''
''Jin, you'll make an amazing alpha, I can tell it from what you just told me, but you know things could turn out another way, right?'' Jin shook his head. ''The pack could start getting more agressive if we force the omega role on them, they are stronger than an omega's they could easily defend themselves. And maybe the pack will start protesting and then we have a real problem.'' Jin sighed and hung his head low in defeat. ''This is not the end Jin.'' Namjoon kissed his mate once again.  ''We could use a part of your plan and a part of mine.'' Jin looked up with big hopeful eyes. ''We could start with giving them money, clothes and food. Paying them for their job, but then we could first try to convince the rest of the pack with a speech and maybe put a punishment for hurting an omega, so they will slowly learn not to hurt the omega's and maybe they'll start respecting them more. We can see what happens after that.'' Jin laid his head against Namjoon's chest and nodded.
''I like that. Finally helping the omega's.'' Namjoon smiled and picked Jin up. ''What are you doing?'' 
''It's almost time for lunch, so we're gonna eat lunch.'' Jin giggled and wrapped his arms around his mate's neck.
''Sounds good to me.'' The two mates made their way to the kitchen. When they entered, they were met with a sulking Hoseok. ''Hoseok, whats wrong?'' It didn't seem like he actually heard it. ''Hoseok?'' Jin asked while softly nudging his arm. That seemed to snap him out of his thoughts. ''What's wrong?'' Hoseok just shrugged as an answer. Jin and Namjoon both raised an eyebrow.
''I don't know. It's just that, there something off about my mate and it makes me so devastated that I can't trust him.''
''Oh hoseok, I'm so sorry to hear that.'' Again, the gamma just shrugged. 
''I am going to my room.'' He said while walking away, leaving the two mates by themselves once again. The two didn't exchange any words, just enjoying eachothers presence. Namjoon called an omega to cook for them and told her to take what was leftover with her. The young girl seemed really surprised and seemed and the brim of tears as she nodded her head and whispered thank you over and over again. The alpha and the soon-to-be alpha decided to start a small conversation with her, catching the girl off guard. ''I am sorry to say this alpha, but why are you being so nice to me? I am just a weak, useless omega.'' Jin shot a look, telling him to explain and be honest. The girl looked at the floor. 
''Well you see,'' Namjoon started, ''Jin is my mate and he kinda showed me how bad the omega's are treated and how much they do in the pack. He's been trying to convince me to help them and I finally realised that he's right and that you guys all deserve more honor and a better life. It's all thanks to Jin that this is happening, you should thank him for making me see the things that should be changed.'' The girl looked up with big, wide eyes. 
''Jin would make a great alpha, alpha.'' Namjoon smiled at the girl and then looked at the girl.
''I think it's time to drop the formalities, you can call me Namjoon.'' The girl looked speechless. ''Here take this food, we'll clean up. Go home to your family.'' The girl quickly nodded and made her way home with the basket full of food. 
''That was really nice, you know.'' Jin said when the girl was out of their sight.
''Yeah, it's time for a drastic change.'' Jin just smiled at his mate. Glad how things turned out. He couldn't have wished for a better outcome.

Night has falllen and the two mates were curled up against eachother. The two were still wide awake and just talking about nonsense. Suddenly, Namjoon heard a bone snap and Jin let out a blood curling scream. More bones started snapping and Namjoon looked at his mate who was screaming in agony. ''M-make it stop!'' Jin screamed between his cries. His eyes changing color from his usual brown eyes to black, his bones kept snapping and bending in inhuman ways. Suddenly the door opened and Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook stood there. Worry was seen in their eyes. ''Don't stand there!'' Namjoon yelled. ''Help me get him to the woods! He's shifting!''

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