Chapter 7: Bloodsuckers

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Debra leaves me alone in my room, which is actually her son's bedroom.

I try to play it cool, but the mere scent of him hypnotized me while still in the hallway leading up to it. It is so omnipresent that it captivates me entirely. I almost feel shy to take my clothes off and head for the shower.

I decide to seize the chance while alone to roam around the room. Maybe I'll find something interesting hidden away.

I hurry toward the closet, but my reflection in the mirror attached to its door makes me feel like I am being watched.

Oh, stop being silly, my inner wolf awakens. Just open the damn door.

My she-wolf is too damn curious, but I still decide to listen.

Inside there is nothing fascinating to a regular human being, only pairs of sweaters, denim and dark shirts. To me, though, everything is fascinating. This is what my mate wears.

His scent on the clothes is too tempting and I can't resist picking one of the dark blue shirts, then sniffing it as if it meant life.

Okay, there. You should probably put that back.

I force myself to let go of the fabric and leave to inspect the chest of drawers.


My mate's belts, socks, underwear... I keep opening drawers. Others contain watches, sunglasses, and undershirts.

I obviously won't find some top secret, so I close them all and head for the bathroom.

Later, when I come downstairs, I find Terry watching TV.

"Keeping up with the Kardashians?" I tease.

He laughs. It's the end of some football match and by his face I am guessing his team won. "Finally you're ready. You almost let me starve to death. Even Mom was wondering what took you so long," he glances at me quickly and stands up. "At least you could've cleaned up considering the amount of time it took you..."

"Hey!" I shout glancing at my watch, "It's only been twenty minutes, you little -"

"Careful, there," he cuts me off, "you are talking with your mate's brother," he teases me, insinuating to my earlier behavior.

I shake my head in despair. "You're never gonna let that go, are you?"

"Not while I live," he chuckles and leads me into the kitchen.

At the table, there are only five chairs pulled out. When Terry announces our arrival, Debra and another lady enter.

"Hello," I greet the new face.

She lits up. "It's very nice to meet you, Miss King. I'm Aliana."

"The pleasure's all mine, Aliana," I smile to the friendly lady. She must be the help.

"Take a seat, dear," Debra shows me to obviously my designated place at the table, so I feel obliged to sit where she placed me, at the head of the table.

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