Chapter 11: Aroused, Too Much To Handle

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As I walk downstairs I hear Darius talking to somebody behind closed doors.

"It's not safe, Alpha."

"Do I need you to tell me that?" Darius replies with a deep voice. "We'll collect twenty men and spread across the border. The rest will stay here to protect our pack. We will put an end to this for good."

I've had it with this secret meetings behind my back. I march angrily toward the door.

"We'll meet in front in an hour. You're dismissed," he instructs them in a hurry, just as I open the door without knocking.

"Good morning, Luna," the men greet me on their way out. I wait for their footsteps to fade, piercing Darius with a deadly stare.

"How long have you been standing there?" he asks without coming closer.

I enter, slamming the door. "Not long enough," I cross my arms. "You'll have to fill me in in private, since a Luna is obviously unwelcome to her pack's meetings."

His face tells no story at all. "I'll tell you what," he takes two steps, so that he's standing only at an inch away, "you'll be the first one I invite to all of our pack's meetings," he crosses his arms, "when I'm certain you're taking your Luna position seriously."

"And how do you imagine to decide when I do?"

He tilts his head. "Currently, you definitely aren't. You behave like you're only trespassing. A transfer waiting until her next plane."

"That is not fair," I clench my jaw. "It's my Goddamn life I had to leave for this mate-bond. You didn't have to lift a finger. So excuse me if I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting."

"Reservations is what you have," he looks at me dead serious. "I don't see you trying to adjust. The opposite actually - you're trying to fight the bond. Don't think I can't tell," he narrows his eyes.

"I'm not denying that. But I fucking came here, didn't I? I'm giving it a chance."

"I can't accept you as the Luna when you're being so resilient to our life together, Lila," he runs his hand over his head, "Fuck, this is hard for me, too. I led a completely different life before. I don't remember the last time I was in this much heat without-" he stops himself.

I gasp, insulted. "So basically you're saying you refuse to share info with me unless I sleep with you." I shake my head, "Unbelievable," I turn to leave, but he grabs my elbow.

Even though it's a gentle grab, I can't seem to get out of his grip. He turns me to face him, his face telling me he's sorry. "I didn't mean it like that, I swear."

"How did you mean it?"

"I am trying so hard here, Lila, can't you see? Last night... it's been hell for me to manage not to touch you."

I twist my lips. "Well you did touch me. You had me spooned even though you promised no wolf business..." what is he laughing about?

"Hey, I am a man of my word. You were the one who snuggled up against me. You were so daring to even pull my hand. I was too much of a gentleman not to hug you," he laughs.

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