Chapter Nine - Goodbyes Part Two

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Pic above - Will

Gracie - (You will meet in this chapter)

Gracie - (You will meet in this chapter)

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Dr. Lila Gates - (You will meet in this chapter)

 Lila Gates - (You will meet in this chapter)

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Soooo BIG APOLOGIES for those of you who saw this chapter when I accidentally published it...and didn't realize until the next day...that was awkward. Especially because it didn't even publish my writing, but my research... If you can't tell, I suck at technology and attention to detail. 

(A big thanks to @oliviarainbow for commenting. Otherwise, I never would have realized it XD )


We got up to #280 in Werewolves! What what! I'm gonna ask this again and again, but PLEASE keep commenting and voting! More votes/comments = more exposure = more feedback = a very happy writer. 



The fresh air greeted me like a hurricane. It was vast and overwhelming, and it reminded me of everything at stake.

I didn't bother to look around as I rushed out of the restaurant. I quickly made my way through the alleyways, avoiding anyone I could. Though my body was on high alert, my mind was wandering. Thoughts of Remmy swirled around, refusing to die out. Knowing that Remmy was resisting this world, that he was with us,  was unraveling my core by the minute. I couldn't help but think that if I had gone months, years maybe, without knowing about him, what else didn't I know? And would that lack of knowledge cause my delicate and reckless plan to crumble? 

Having reached their destination, my feet stopped walking. I was panting, staring up at a large glass building a few yards ahead. I stood in the shadow of an alley, attempting to size up the distance between myself and the hospital. Not only that but size up the people surrounding it as well. Samuel was still out there. If he caught an inkling of my presence, I doubted I'd ever live to see another day. 

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